Chapter 16

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Looking up at her ceiling Anne twirled her thumbs and bit her lip. She needed to go to sleep, get her beauty rest for the tiring day ahead. She had two meetings to attend and loads of paperwork to go through. She should be thinking about that. Not about the way her nose tickled.

Scratching it unconsciously she sighed and crossed her arms. She wondered what Ruby was doing in the living room, she always said goodnight around her usual 10:00 time but for some reason she couldn't sleep. She hadn't even changed out of her normal clothes or taken off her make up.

Sitting up she tried listening to see if there was any commotion going on in the other room but she heard nothing. She was probably asleep.

Rolling her eyes and giving an exasperated sigh she fell back onto her pillows. She hated what she was feeling. The feeling was similar to driving on a lazy day with you father. He takes you on the back roads and hits the dips with full speed. You aren't in the air but your stomach doesn't know that, so your insides go weak. That's how she felt, and she hated going on drives with her dad.

Tapping her nails onto her stomach she was able to break out of her thoughts for a moment as an idea popped into her head. Looking over at her phone she bit her lip contemplating if she wanted to even do it.

Reaching over and bringing her device over she opened a familiar app and moved her leg nervously over her blankets. As the video loaded she looked over at her door. A picture popped up and highlighted her face. Her living room camera recorded the girl undressing just next door. Looking up from her surveillance video she stared at the wall and smiled knowing what was happening so close to her.

The blonde took her time taking her shirt off first. She stretched before rolling it up and tossing it to the side of the room.

Anne tilted her head and bit her lip admiring the girl's round breasts that were still hidden away. Putting the phone down and closing her eyes Anne mumbled to herself. This was an invasion of privacy, she considered herself rude and unkind but she never considered herself a creep.

But she wanted it. She wanted it so badly.

Picking the phone back up she watched the rot for in the corner blink continuously as Ruby undid her bra.

Anne imagined what they felt like in her hands, what they would feel like running along her own. Sliding down a little more the brunette tightened her grip and let one hand slip down her stomach, she unbuttoned her own pants and slowly put her hand underneath the denim.

Gasping lightly as she began touching herself she watched as Ruby unbuttoned her own pants and sat down on the couch. She laid down on her stomach leaving her ass out in plain view of the camera. Anne tried to be quite as she maneuvered around and rubbed rhythmically. Her legs starting to thrash as she threw her head back and put the phone down. She could just close her eyes and see the picture of the naked girl in her head again. Her body was so sexy and-

Opening the door Ruby had the TV remote in her hand but her eyes quickly widened and she closed the door slightly and turned her head. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

Taking her hand out of her pants and sitting up quickly Anne felt her heart thump loudly as she tried to act normal.

"I just wanted to know how to work your smart TV." Ruby rubbed her forehead and smiled, "I can't figure out how to change apps."

"You uh- you just push the home button." Anne buttoned up her pants and stood up. Her face beat read as Ruby came into the room with a smug look on her face. "What?"

"You were being nasty." She smiled at her joke, her nose scrunching up as she winked playfully.

"No I was just-"

"Just what?" Ruby reaches over and grabbed the phone, "Watching porn?"

"No don't!"

The blonde arched her eyebrows looking at the screen. "You were watching me?" Her blue eyes peered up at the older woman who said nothing. "I don't understand what the fuck you want from me Anne." Throwing the phone onto the bed she started leaving the room but was stopped as Anne grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"I'm sorry I spied on you I-"

"I don't give a shit about that lady." Ruby laughed as her eyebrows raised up, "I'm a whore! I know who I am, but it's like you don't!"

Anne tried to say something but couldn't let anything escape her mouth as the blonde stared her down.

"You say you want me, you act like you want me, but you can't even fucking be close to me unless your about to fucking kill me!"

The brunette closed her eyes and looked down still unable to speak.

"Your paying me to be here but asking nothing." Ruby made her look her in her eye as she shook her head. "If I'm not good enough just ask me to leave."

"That's not it Ruby."

"Then what is it Lady?" Ruby stepped back waiting for to say something. "I know I'm not anything like your assistant so what the hell do you want?" She sighed and shook her head, "this is how I make money Anne, if you want a therapist go get one. Maybe you'll want to fuck her." Grabbing her old clothes and putting on her old jeans she didn't let the older woman stop her as she went to the door.

Opening it wide Ruby stopped and smiled seeing Mattie standing by the door about to knock. "Right in time Anne, your paid whore is here." Pushing her out of the way Ruby left leaving the brunette standing in the door way stunned. Her breathing rough as she looked at her employee who stood equally as frozen.

"You asked for the reports so I thought-"

Going to her and pulling her in Anne kissed her roughly. Pushing her into the table that held her beautiful rocks. They wobbled as they pushed against each other wildly. Anne doing everything she could to take back everything she needed control of. Grabbing her and pushing her down she felt her pull her pants down quickly.

Mattie urgently went to town and looked up at the older woman. Anne looked down at her for a second and regretted it. Looking up at the door she rolled her eyes wanting it to be over.

 Looking up at the door she rolled her eyes wanting it to be over

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