Chapter 19

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"I don't care how much I eat them I'll never get tired of street hot dogs." Ruby stuffed the food into her mouth and made a moaning sound. "Are you sure you don't want a bite?" She held the half eaten mess out.

"No thank you." Anne made a disgusted face and crossed her arms, "how do you eat that shit and look the way you do?"

"It's all that Adderall I used to take." She smiled up at the older woman who watched her with a blank face.

Anne finally turned her head and bit her lip to hide her own smile. "I can't tell if your joking." She shook her head and started walking down the crowded sidewalk.

"I'm not." Ruby took another bite and stopped running into the brunette who paused to look at her again. "What's wrong?"

Taking a napkin out of her purse she wiped the ketchup off of her face. "You look like a mess."

"A hot mess."

Crumbling up the napkin and taking a deep breathe Anne kicked her lips while she looked around. "Last night..." she paused trying to find the words. "That wasn't just..." she clicked her heel on the sidewalk trying to find the words she couldn't place.

Ruby furrowed her eyebrows trying to study her face.

"I guess what I'm wondering is-" she finally looked down at the blue eyes. "Was it different?" She shook her head and started walking again. "Never mind, forget it."

Ruby stood still with a small smile before running to catch up with the older woman. "I was 16." She grabbed the woman's hand and led her across the street where horns honked and people yelled. "Dad was gone and my mom died." She led them to the sidewalk that led into Central Park. "I had no where else so I ran. I didn't want a judge throwing me into some distant relatives house."

Anne followed behind her as they found a dirt path. Their pace slowing down as Ruby noticed no one else was around. "Of course the people I started hanging out with were fucking druggies. I got addicted and partied every night." The blonde looked ahead avoiding the older woman's eye contact. "I needed money to pay for the drugs so I started selling what everyone wanted." She shrugged.

"You didn't have to tell me all that."

"I did." Ruby stopped walking. "What we have is different lady. And you know it."

Anne put her hands on her hips. "Why do you always call me that?"

She smiled, "because you don't like it."

Rolling her eyes the brunette looked around. "Do you know where we are?"

"Why did it take so long?" Ruby asked ignoring the woman's other words.

"What do you mean?" She scratched her nose and turned her body around to see their surroundings.

Ruby got close to her and stared up at her just waiting for her to meet her eyes. "Why did it take so long for you to just touch me like that?"

Shaking her head Anne looked forward annoyed at the conversation. "I don't know what you are asking."

"There's more to you than control Anne."

Finally looking down at her the brunette sighed seeing her blue eyes search for an answer. "I didn't want to disrespect you ok."

Ruby grinned, "So slapping me and degrading me isn't disrespectful?"

Tilting her head Anne clenched her jaw and started walking forward. Making the girl back up slowly. "No, that's just for my pleasure." Stopping when the girl's back hit a tree Anne looked her up and down and put her hand above her head to lean. "Drugs are hard to stop using."

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