Chapter 22

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Anne watched the young girl sleep soundly

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Anne watched the young girl sleep soundly. the sunrise peaked through her blinds leaving shadows across Ruby's freckled face. Her naked body was curled up under the covers, her head not even on the pillow but underneath it as she dreamed. Anne liked the way she slept. She made tiny noises as she breathed and her nose would scrunch or twitch every so often.

Licking her lips and scooting only an inch closer Anne situated her head on her pillow and looked down at her. She didn't want to wake her but she couldn't stop her hand from reaching up slowly and resting on Ruby's blonde smooth hair. Anne let her fingertips move over to her face as she ran them down the girl's cheeks and to her lips. They were so plump and pink that they looked like an art piece.

She had never thought of another person the way she thought about Ruby. Her house was pretty, her jewelry was pretty, hell even she thought of herself as pretty.

But ruby was beautiful.

So damn beautiful.

And she couldn't stop herself from making that beauty hers. To claim it not out loud but to herself.

She wasn't good with words, she always had the habit of messing things up and being too rude to people but her mind wouldn't let her get away with that. Everyone else had flaws, but her brain wouldn't let her notice any of Ruby's. She imagined that wasn't good but for now she wouldn't care.

Putting her arms under the girl carefully she turned Ruby's body to give herself more access as she brought her own body closer. She was still fast asleep as Anne let their two naked bodies push together underneath the covers. She studied the girl's face more, she studied the way her blonde hair looked perfectly coherent with her own skin. She watched the way her skin looked so much lighter than her own until the sun outside shined and made them the same white shade.

Moving strands of hair away from Ruby's face Anne let her face move down as she kissed the sleeping girl. Her lips were softer when they weren't moving. And they were cool from the fan on the ceiling.

She assumed Ruby was a very heavy sleeper as she raised up and smiled. She stirred slightly but only to reposition herself, she cuddled against the woman's chest as if she was getting away from the cool morning air and Anne never stopped her. Even though she was already twenty minutes late to work she kissed her again. Moaning slightly into her mouth as her body became hungry for what she barely claimed.

Waking up it took Ruby a minute to realize what was going on, but as she came to her senses and she realized the woman kissing her was Anne she closed her eyes again to persuade her to continue.

"I've never let anyone sleep in my bed with me." The brunette whispered.

"I can see why, it's freezing in here." Ruby clattered her teeth and let her cold nose rest in Anne's neck.

"It's only 68 degrees."

"Damn lady I thought you were old but I didn't think you were menopause old."

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