Chapter 25

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Walking to the front door and locking it Morgan took his time unloading the bullets from the pistol while looking around the house. It wasn't taken care of. He imagined no one would be capable of living in such conditions, but sadly he knew he was wrong.

Listening to the floorboards creek as he went to the kitchen, he slipped the bullets into his jacket pocket and examined the table that held a tiny scale and dozens of bags of white fluff. Shaking his head he scooped the baggies up and threw them into the sink. With one flip of a switch he watched the garbage disposal take the bags down the drain and chop the plastic up. That wouldn't solve anything but it made him feel better.

Turning it off he put the empty pistol in the back of his pants and used his handkerchief to hold the staircases railing. He imagined the house was full of things he did not want to touch with his bare hands.

Making it to the top of the staircase Morgan looked down the hallway and stepped slowly as to not alert anyone else who might have been hiding out. The squeak's were inevitable however as the floorboards screamed out.

He ignored the sounds and opened one door after another. He looked in the empty rooms, where dust filled the air and bugs ran across the floors from lack of attention. Food that had been left grew mold and beers that had been un-drank reeked.

Stopping at the last bedroom he sighed seeing three girls laying in a king sized bed. They laid in short skirt's and crop tops, sweat drenching through the clothes as they mumbled like zombies. Walking over to the end of the bed he clenched his jaw. "Have you seen a blonde girl named Ruby?"

The only girl that was still coherent picked her head up. Her mouth hanging open as she squinted her eyes. "Who are you?"

Putting his hands into his pockets the man studied her broken out face. "Just a man trying to help." He watched her nod almost in slow motion. "Who are you?"

"Bella." She bit her bottom lip and smiled. "I'm a model."

"I'm sure you are." He went over to the pillow where some shots sat. They were empty and rusted. "You're going to kill yourself one day."

"I'm going to be rich one day." Bella giggled and stuck her tongue out. "Rich and famous."

Morgan shook his head and looked around. His feet froze as he examined the girl laying on the floor by the falling cabinet. He was glad his boss let him do this because he couldn't have imagined how broken she would have been to see Ruby so fragile. Her skin was flushed and ghostly, her veins running through her body were almost like neon flashing lights.

Ms. Frey was a strong woman, but even she wasn't strong enough to handle the sight.

Taking off his coat and getting on his knees the man patted her forehead dry and put the back of his hand to her nose. She still breathed but softly. Her body was bare except for her undergarments so he wrapped his jacket around her. Stopping when he saw a belt looped around her arm. The coloring was black and blue around the shot sights so he knew the drugs in her system was forced. "I'm going to get you out of her Ms. Ruby." He whispered picking her up. He grunted getting off his knees and looked over at Bella who watched him.

"Johnny's not gonna like that." She sang kicking her foot up.

Leaving the room with the blonde in his arms he tried ignoring the woman's laugh as he took her down the stairs and past the man that still laid knocked out.

Walking through the dead weeds and dusty ground he slid her into the backseat of his car and undid the belt from her arm. He examined her once more before he tucked the jacket around her so she wouldn't move.

Closing the door he looked over at an older couple who watched from their porch. He waved at them and folded his handkerchief up. "Your neighbors aren't good people it seems."

"No one is anymore." The man coughed rocking back and forth. "Been calling the cops for years."

Shaking his head Morgan looked around the street. "Might call them now. There's been shoots outside the house." Putting two bullets into the gun he shot into the air and tilted his hat at the couple before getting into his car.

They watched him drive off before they got out their phone and dialed the police.

"Ms. Ruby I imagine Ms. Frey will be very happy to see you." Morgan took his time turning a corner to not throw the girl around. He wondered what the process of helping would be like for her. Drugs were definitely not a one and done type of deal, even if she hadn't done them willingly she had the taste for them, her body would crave them again. He wondered if Anne was prepared for that. Coming off of a high and going into withdrawals was painful, it was traumatizing, and humiliating.

Her brain was now changing its whole way of working to be dependent on the extra chemicals being pushed into the body.

He knew it was wasn't going to be pretty. He knew what life was like from her side.

He knew what it felt like to be so close to dying that your body gets transported to a world of vastness. A world so dependent on the person no one else would ever experience it the same. Some say they saw they light that shined towards god. Some say they saw their memories flash by like a movie on repeat. Some see nothing but an empty room.

What did Ruby see?

What would Anne see?

Watching her through his rearview mirror, Morgan turned his radio up and let the old sound of blues trumpet through the cars stereo.
The only thing Ruby was probably able to comprehend was the rhythmic taps of notes as her eyes fluttered vaguely.


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