Chapter 11

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Sorting through the folders that filled her desk Anne read carefully and slowly brought her coffee to her lips. The steam took her by surprise but after the initial shock she let the warm liquid run down her throat as she stamped a paper with approval.

She loved her job, she loved the smell of paper and money. She loved the look of the gold plack on her desk being the first thing people saw when they found her office. It was clean, large, and powerful.

"Ms. Frey, I'm sorry to bother you but I have a question."

Waving for Mattie to continue Anne took another sip of her joe as she flipped a paper over.

"Caleb Finley asked to schedule a marketing meeting with you but I wasn't sure you wanted to waste your time with him." Mattie asked standing straight and putting her hands behind her back.

"Not worth my time." Anne mumbled.

Nodding her assistant took her time as she smoothed out her dress.

Finally letting her eyes peer up the brunette stared at her. "Anything else?"

"No ma'am."

Getting back to her work the brunette paused and looked back up at the girl who still stood at her door.

"How was your weekend?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Putting her cup of coffee down Anne leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. "We were never ones to talk."

Pushing her hair behind her ear the girl bit her bottom lip and walked forward. "I just miss the days when your lipstick stained my neck and not your mug."

Glaring at her steaming cup the woman let her eyes focus back on the blonde that leaned on the desk letting her cleavage talk for her. "Did you dye your hair a different blonde?"

Mattie giggled, "You noticed."

"It looks fake." Sitting back up Anne grabbed her pen and started signing her initials on contracts.

Taken back her assistant stood up and scoffed, "You get a new fuck toy and I'm thrown in the trash? Will you fire me too?"

"Oh Honey no." Anne reached forward and grabbed the girl's hand. "You are too pretty for me to fire, if it was just about the sex then you would have been gone a long time ago."

Pulling away the girl sat in the leather chair that faced her boss. "Was I not...good?"

Thinking for a second Anne squinted her eyes and hummed, "You went to Princeton sweetie. You have an almost perfect attendance record. You are pretty to look at, and you fucked your boss to get to where you are. There's no shame in that." Tapping her nails on her desk she smiled, "but you aren't the kind of girl CEO's want around for long."

Widening her eyes Mattie stood up with her face beat red. "I did everything you asked and now you are calling me an unwanted slut?"

"Not in those words particularly." Anne let her finger rub her lip as she watched the younger girl start pacing around the room with steam basically coming out of her ears.

"So that girl I caught you with? What is she? A CEO's daughter?"

She tapped her lip trying to think. "No, but at least she's a natural blonde."

Almost tearing up Mattie stared at the older woman, "I love you Anne. I've done everything for you."

Widening her eyes and rocking in her chair Anne nodded, "That's unfortunate." Seeing her phone ring she decided against answering it for fear the girl would throw a chair at her. "Listen I just want you to put coffee on my desk, not be underneath it anymore." She smiled, "No hard feelings."

Straightening her dress and patting her eyes Mattie went back to her earlier stance. "I'll let you know about any changes for the meetings this afternoon. And I hope you know I'm keeping these." Grabbing her breasts she stared at the woman waiting for a reaction.

Nodding Anne smiled, "You'll need them if you want to fuck your way up somewhere else." Watching her coffee jump in its cup as the door slammed the brunette twirled her thumbs. Gabbing her phone she looked at the missed call and dialed the number.

"How the fuck am I supposed to work this microwave?"

"Ruby you should really practice your greetings."

"Hello, how are you you? I'm fucking great. How do you work your microwave?"

Biting her lip Anne watched her assistant on the other sid did the glass clean her eyes with a Kleenex and continue her work. "Send me pictures."

There was a pause on the other line. "Of what?"


"Ok but you need to order me food."

Hanging up Anne pushed the button on her desk. "Mattie can I see you please?" Seeing her look up from computer and come back into room, Anne smiled as she scooted her chair back and glanced down at her desk. Her assistant didn't ask any other questions as she crawled under. Anne's dressed raised slightly as she looked at her text messages. Ruby's body lit up her screen as she gasped slightly feeling a familiar tongue enter her.

Smiling she stared at the picture and leaned back as the desk covered what went on underneath. The familiar feeling of a tongue moving around her made her teeth buckle down together.

She was a pro however, it didn't matter what went on underneath the desk Anne was able to keep her cool. Look totally unsuspecting as some employees walked over and stood outside her door going over their work. She was even able to wave at them as they smiled and went back down the hallway.

Seeing another text message appear Anne read it with a smirk on her face.

"Were those ok?"

"Perfect." Anne typed slowly as she tried to keep her breathing in check.

"Can I have a burger?"

"You can have a salad."

Seeing the emoji flip her off Anne put her phone down and threw her head back as her body seized up and released all her built up tension at once. Her assistant kept her eyes closed as she kept going, knowing the ways to drive her boss crazy.

Breathing heavily the brunette took a few minutes before rolling back and putting her dress down. "I still don't like your hair." Getting a box of tissues from her drawer she threw them at the girl and motioned for her to leave.

Mattie smirked, aware of how the end of their encounters usually went. She didn't mind. She only flattened her hair and wiped her face knowing she would have to redo her make up in the bathroom.


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I hope you are all enjoying! And I hope the name change doesn't confuse too many of you, it's just the next step I'm taking to make my writing career more optional and moving. I love you guys so much and thank you for the support!

-Misty Hall

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