Chapter 28

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Pulling into into a parking space crooked, Anne took no time turning her car off and running up to the door. the grimy motel held zero other cars in the cracked parking lot. It's dim lights barely even lighting up the outside of the dozens of doors. She didn't even have to knock as Morgan opened it and grabbed her before she ran over to the bed. He closed the door back up and locked it. "You need to calm yourself Ms.Frey."

She shot him daggers but listened, she backed up and watched the sleeping girl in the bed snore lightly, making that little sound with her mouth that she was so fond of. That sound that melted her heart like nothing else could.

"Are you alright?" Morgan asked studying his boss. His warm brown eyes asking from a place of worry.

Bringing her attention back to him Anne blinked a few times and nodded. The TV told the weather as the brunette closed her eyes and let out a long breathe. She put her head in his chest as he hugged her tightly. The familiar smell of his cologne was so comforting and calming. He smelled like a father with a purpose. A man willing to wrap the world in his arms for those he cared about. She never had a father figure in her life that she liked or even loved, but the man who she met on the streets became that person for her.

"She's still recovering." He whispered.

Nodding Anne wiped her eyes and stood up straight again. The last thing she wanted was for Ruby to see her as anything but strong. "About 48 hours you imagine?" She sniffled and fixed her hair. After the day she had she didn't want to even imagine what her hair looked like. Probably wild and unconfined. It seemed like everything in her life was copying her hair. Her control, her purpose, her world was going off on their own.

"About." He smiled and put his hands into his pockets. The bullets still running loose between his fingers. "Mattie brought our luggage a couple of hours ago. Said everything was covered at your office."


Pushing the man out of her way the brunette ran over to the bed, "Don't get up doll." She reached out to catch her.

Ruby ignored her words and almost instantly feel into her arms, Her eyes watering at the sight of Anne. Her shivers, her aches, and her fever intensifying as her heart sped up. The touch of the woman bringing everything out of her. She herself wanted to be strong for Anne, show her how big she could really be, but she couldn't. Her body didn't let her. She broke down.

Anne understood. She held her so tightly that the violent shakes were pushed down and forced to subside for a moment while Anne had control. Finally, Grabbing her face and looking her up and down the older woman shook her head before smiling. "You're ok doll." Pulling her close the two girls embraced again. The taller woman almost having to hold the girl up because of her weakened state. "It's ok." She cooed over and over again. She petted blonde hair that still was sticky and wet and took in the feeling of having her so close to her.

Pulling away Anne cleared her throat and rubbed her cheek. "Have you eaten?"

She shook her head, "Why are we in a hotel?"

The older woman smiled trying to think of the right answer. "Because I want you safe doll." Her green eyes begged the girl to stop asking questions. But Ruby was too out of it to read signs.

"I want to go home Anne." She begged. Her tears running down her chapped face from all the cries she had endured.

"We will I promise." Anne kissed her forehead. Forgiving her for not reading her face. "I'm going to find us a new home."

"Why would we need to find a new home Anne? I'll be careful he won't find me again." Ruby watched the older woman watch her. The two of their eyes battling each other. Anne didn't want to explain anything, she wasn't planning on it either. Her dominant eyes continued to try and send a message.

The news played its jingle in the background filling the silence, which made Ruby look over to the fuzzy TV.

"Sources say the murder of Johnny Linetti is been honed a homicide. Here's Ben for the on site report-"

Blinking a few times as the new man began speaking, the blonde moved her eyes over to Morgan who ignored her gaze and started gathering their stuff. He put his jacket around his arm as he lifted two suitcases up. Taking them to the corner of the room.

Anne watched Ruby closely until her blue eyes focused back on her jade ones. The girl's face was blank as she tried figuring out what was going on. Her mind giving her one second of clarity as she tried opening her mouth to say something.

Anne didn't let her however, she only pulled her in for a soft kiss. Their lips connecting for a second and lingering as the woman breathed heavily. "No questions doll. Now is the time when you only listen."

Ruby nodded and as she was pulled to the warm figure again. Usually she would argue or try her best to get answers but she only let out a sigh and breathed in Anne's perfume. Her expensive one that she kept on her top shelf. The one that she remembered her wearing the first night in that parking garage.

"Alright." Morgan said slipping on his jacket. "I'll be in the car."

Anne kissed the girl's cheek and lips once more, "Grab your water doll, we are going on a vacation."

Doing as she was told Ruby felt her fingers interlocked with the woman as she was led out of the old motel. The woman she never expected to see again many days ago shooting her a winning smile.


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