Chapter 5

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Leaning on the car to give her aching feet some rest, Anne looked at her watch with an exasperated sigh. It was 7:00 PM and Ruby wasn't on her usual street. She imagined her day would follow like her last few but today proved to be different, everyone was testing her patience.

Her assistant Mattie didn't only forget to schedule a lunch meeting with her boss, but she also decided she needed the afternoon off because she was sick. Who has time to get sick? Anne didn't. She would have fired Mattie right there on the spot if she hadn't worked while waiting on her doctor.

Her dinner was cut short on the account of her friend wanting to get home to his new born. And on top of all that Ruby wasn't where she needed to be.

Turning her to look at the drivers side, she watched her driver Morgan read a newspaper. He was an older man that didn't mind the grey on his head. She wondered if his wife minded. "Anything good?"

"Cubs won last night." He answered shaking his head.

"Well that's fucking great."

"It's a damn shame." He clicked his tongue before looking up at the buildings. "Do you want to keep waiting Ms. Frey?"

Crossing her arms Anne tapped her heels onto the pavement. No she didn't honestly. She wanted to go home and take a steamy hot bath and listen to her classical records. She had bought them at an antique shop a few years ago and she needed to keep them worn. No need for them to get dusty.

Why was she still standing in her designer heels waiting for her then?

Fucking blondes.

"Ruby talks about you."

Squinting her eyes and turning her head to look across the street Anne thinned her lips as two girls that looked in their twenties winked at her. She recognized their faces. They were options when she had first came across the street. The one on the left had grey black hair and too much brown eyeshadow while the girl on the right seemed content with her short brown hair. Her make up was light and colorful.

"I'm Amber." The brown headed girl took in the smoke from her cigarette. "You can have two for one here with my friend Claudia if you'd like."

Anne raised an eyebrow. "What do you have to offer?"

"Four tits instead of two." Claudia smacked her gum through her laughs.

Thinking of the choices, the tall woman watched a beat up Honda speed past them and come to an irking stop near the curb. Tilting her head, she watched Ruby get out of the passenger side and bend down to talk to whoever it was who drove.

"She's not gonna want to fuck you after the busy day she's had." Claudia spoke again crossing her legs and arms to replicate the fancier woman. "It's the beginning of my shift so I'm ready to go."

"Why the hell would I want to pay to fuck you?" Anne finally responded. "You look like the nanny fucked a rug."

"Don't let her frighten you. She looks like wall street shit her out of the gutters." Ruby interrupted walking over to her friends and taking a smoke from them.

"Aren't you afraid of scaring away paying customers?"

Ruby lit her cigarette and let her blue eyes peer up to see the woman. "I have plenty of clients to keep me afloat."

"We both know I'm worth more than all your other clients." Anne responded with air quotes.

"I haven't had dinner yet."

"What the hell does that have to do with me?"

Ruby shrugged and looked up at the foggy night sky. "Just famished."

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