Chapter 18

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Saturday's were the one day that she allowed herself to sleep in and catch up on much needed rest. From such a hectic life that she lead of always being on the go and on her A game, Anne knew she deserved a day where she could stay in her bed past 8 in the morning and just sleep. That had never changed. She rested until 9 then she got up and made herself a homemade breakfast and roasted coffee prepared by her favorite machine.

Putting on her sleep mask and moving her hair to the side Anne smiled knowing tomorrow morning she would be able to do all those things.

She had Ruby back and she was going to do everything she wanted. She was going to be right there in the other room and Anne had promised herself the mistakes she made last time we're not going to be repeated. Ruby was going to listen, she was going to respect.

That is until she heard music.

Sitting up Anne tore off her mask and squinted her eyes. That fucking girl was touching her record player again. It was the first night back and the blonde couldn't even go without trouble for one second.

Opening her bedroom door and going into her living room Anne scoffed seeing Ruby with only her undergarments on eating something she couldn't identify. Pushing past her Anne's robe tickled Ruby's legs as she ran to her speaker. "What the hell are you doing? I told you not to touch my-" Seeing her record wasn't moving she turned to the younger girl who held a Bluetooth speaker in her hand.

"Turn that down Ruby it's midnight!"

The blonde winked and jumped on the couch dancing. "What are you going to do?"

Anne was tired of it. She was tired of Ruby pushing her buttons to make her break loose. She knew that was what the younger girl was doing. Trying to get a rise out of her. "What the fuck are you even listening to? That sounds awful."

"It's actually about nursery rhymes if you listen closely." Ruby yelled over the music, jumping to the other couch as Anne tried to grab the speaker.

Getting on the couch and grabbing the device Anne breathed roughly as the girl laughed. "You think you're so big and bad" the blue eyes girl took another bite out of her blueberry muffin. Her eyes sparkling like she was waiting for something to crack, something to break the woman. "You can't even control a 22 year old."

Anne stared at her. The rap music that she hated so much still playing in her hand. "What makes you think I want to control you?"

"That's all you want to do. You want to control everything and you're so pissed off because you can't even control yourself." Ruby smiled and stepped closer making both of them move as the cushion sunk underneath them. "We both want it Anne... why can't you let go?"

Shaking her head The older woman dropped the speaker, it hit the floor with a thud as she pulled Ruby to her. Their faces crashing together roughly and forcibly. They were barely even able to connect their lips as they desperately ran their hands over each other's bodies. Anne took the girl's hair with both her fist and pulled her down onto the couch. Both of them falling down, but Anne quickly got up to hold her into place. She sat on top of the girl's stomach and slid her silk robe off of her shoulders.

Ruby used her elbows to prop herself as she smiled, "Wasn't so hard was it?"

"Shut up." Pushing her back down the brunette laid out on top of her and pushed their lips back together. She felt her heart beating out of her chest and she fumbled her hands trying to get the girl's bra off.

"Have you ever done this before?" Ruby joked helping her out and un-doing the garment.

The older woman rolled her eyes, "You should really stop talking." Covering her mouth and pushing her back down Anne looked over the girl's bare breasts, she used her other hand and squeezed them roughly.

The city was the perfect backdrop for them as Anne grinded on the girl and massaged her breasts. One after the other. "This is a stupid song." She breathed closing her eyes and throwing her head back.

Feeling the warmth from the brunette as she rubbed on her Ruby watched the woman moan and gasp as she used her body to please herself. Her mouth still covered by the soft hand.

Stopping herself Anne got off the girl and pulled her underwear down making her totally exposed. She did the same to herself and grabbed the girl's arms making her get up.

Ruby's hands went behind her back and rough kisses covered her neck as she stared out the window at New York. The lights were so bright she could see the building across from them and the people inside. There was one condo specifically where a group of people stood by the window watching. "Anne those people can see inside."

Looking over the older woman smiled, "Let's give them a show then." Grabbing her hair and pushing her into the clean visible window Anne made Ruby's body flatten to the surface. She used her feet to separate her legs and she went inside her without any warning at all.

Ruby gasped at the feeling forgetting about the people as she felt her head whip back from the pull of Anne's hand. "How long have you been waiting for this?" The brunette whispered into her ear as she went as deep as she could with her fingers.

Ruby winced as she pulled out and turned her around. Her ass now pushed against the glass as Anne went back inside. She pushed her own body against her and laid the younger girl's head on her shoulder as she made sure to make it as rough as possible. She didn't think taking control meant leaving it at the same time.

Grabbing her blonde hair once again Anne pushed her down and gasped feeling her tongue hit the spot that was already so sensitive. Ruby was a maniac when it came to the meal. She didn't waste anytime and used her whole face to get to where she wanted to be. Anne knew she wouldn't last long. She grabbed the curtains and closed the view her neighbors had right as her body let go. Almost shaking with pleasure as Ruby found her sweet spot.

Standing with raspy breathes for a moment Anne let her eyes meet the girl's blue ones as she stood back up with a cocky smile on her face. "I'm not done with you." Anne mumbled.

"You sure about that lady?" Ruby bit her bottom lip and looked her up and down. "You look like I need to bring you a cane."

"So I can fuck you with it?" Anne grabbed her wrist and shoved her back into the messy couch. "Tell me, when was the last time a client made you cum?"

Trying to sit up she was pushed back down. "Never." She finally whispered looking at the woman's hungry green eyes.

"Pity that won't be changing tonight." Grabbing her face and letting her nails dig in slightly Anne smiled and tilted her head, she studied every inch of her. "Goodnight doll." Letting go and patting her cheek she left the girl there alone on the couch as she went to her room.

Ruby wasn't mad, she wasn't irritated she only laid there looking up at the ceiling with the hugest smile she ever had. Who knew to get what she wanted she just had to disobey? Pulling the blanket off the ground and covering her mouth she squealed happily before covering herself to go to bed.

I bet this is how you guys feel right now

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I bet this is how you guys feel right now


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