A Chance Encounter

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Chapter 1:

My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets
I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
My wicked tongue, where will it be?
I know if I'm onto you, you must be onto me
- Haunted, Beyoncé

Helena pushed her red hair behind her ear and looked herself over in the mirror. Her dress was elegant and a little sexy. A bright emerald green dress with silver and black lace along the neck and hem. It had a plunging neckline and came to just under her thighs.

"Stop being so nervous Helena, I'll be with you the whole time." Peppers voice sang from behind her. Helena smiled politely at her older sister in the mirror.

"That's easy for you to say Pepper, you frequent these parties. I'm just a nobody.." she sighed quietly shaking her head.

"Now none of that talk young lady," pepper chastised her. " your my little sister and it's time you meet everyone. I mean you'll be working with them soon enough. Your going to be my assistant starting next week"

Helena finished curling a piece of her hair while Pepper impatiently drummed her fingernails on the counter. "Pep the party doesn't start for a half hour" she sighed as she unplugged her curling iron. Pepper shook her head and blushed.

"Yeah well you'll understand when you fall in love some day" oh yes how could Helena forget Peppers' love with her boss. This was indeed supposed to be an engagement party for the two of them in Stark Tower. All the avengers would be there and some celebrities. This was how she had gotten her impending job as Peppers' new assistant. When Tony finally proposed to Pepper he skillfully talked her into getting her own assistant, and why not give her awkward little sister a shot.

Pepper grabbed Helena's pale arm and started dragging her towards the elevator. "okay now come on, and remember just be yourself" Pepper said pressing the penthouse button at the top of the elevator. The door clicked closed behind them and Helena fidgeted biting her lip ring. "Oh I wish you would have taken that thing out. Your 26 aren't you to old for all that crap now?" Helena shook her head and glared at her older sister.

"Just because you lack individuality doesn't make it any less amazing on me.. plus it makes me feel more confident." She said as the elevator zoomed upstairs.

The doors opened and there stood Tony in his tailored 3 piece maroon suit with a huge smile. "There she is" he said leaning down to kiss Pepper and pulled her into his embrace. He kisses the top of her strawberry hair and smiled. Helena awkwardly followed her sister out of the elevator before taking a good look around the giant room. There were red and gold balloons everywhere and quite a few people already. All sipping on drinks and casually talking amongst themselves. Some people in superhero suits and some in spectacular dresses and suits.

"And my future little sister! How are you honey?" Tony's voice pulled Helena out of her thoughts. Tony was always super nice to the younger Potts sister. Having known her for years. In all honesty Tony had a small crush on Helena before he ever started to have feelings for Pepper.

"Oh, I'm just swell Tony... it's a nice place you have here" she said glancing up at him. He smirked at her and winked. Helena got a small bout of butterfly's in her stomach at his wink.

."Well make yourself at home, get a drink, mingle.. and we'll catch up with you later." He said grabbing Pepper and whisking her across the room towards a group of men in fancy colored suits.

Helena once again took in her surroundings before her eyes falling on the bar. Not much of a drinker to be honest but she slowly walked towards the bar set up on the left side of the room. She stood in the very small line and waited for her turn.

"What'll it be?" The man asked politely.

"Uhm.. how about a glass of Moscato?" She smiled as the man nodded his head. The entire bar was a beautiful red and gold undoubtedly showing off Tony's Iron Man image. She giggled to herself.

"Was that a question?" She heard a husky yet horribly attractive voice right next to her ear. She jumped slightly and turned her head. Tall, Dark and handsome indeed. She found herself instantly blushing and bit down on her lip ring. He flashed her a bright smile. "Well I know I haven't met you before darling" his voice like liquid velvet. He was very tall and slender. Shoulder length black silky hair, and the brightest blue green eyes she had ever seen.

"Oh.. um yeah, um I'm Helena.." she put her hand out. The man glanced at her hand and chuckled. Clearly ignoring her gesture.

"Ah you must be Ms. Potts younger sister?" He questioned grabbing her glass of wine from the bartender. She quickly turned back and whispered her thanks before turning back to the stranger in front of her.

"Yes I am, well adopted sister. And do you work with Tony? Or just a friend?" She rambled to the man who had started to stare directly into her cleavage. His eyes snapped up and he frowned. Clearly agitated at her lack of knowledge of who he was.

"Surely you jest? Do you not watch midgardian news?" His voice dropped with annoyance.Helena's eyes got big and she started to apologize.

"oh I'm sorry, you must be one of the avengers? I don't watch a lot of news no, I'm more of a book worm." This causes him to laugh. " what's Midgardian?"

"I'm Hardly an Avenger but yes I do technically work with them. I'm Loki God of Mischief, Prince of Asgard. "

A god, but she had thought Pepper mentioned the godly one had long golden locks. "Oh Thor! Are you related to him?" Clearly that was the wrong thing to say. His eyes narrowing to slits. Before a mischievous smile spreads across his lips.

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