Jotun Loki

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🎵Wanna put my fingers through your hair,
wrap me up in your legs,
and love you till your eyes roll back
Then I'ma rock your body, turn you over.
Love is war. I'm your soldier.
Touchin you like it's our first time.🎵
Bed, J Holiday

There was a clear case of sexual tension between Loki and Helena that night. He couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her. After the dance was over and they were seated once more the feast was brought out.

"You did wonderful my darling." Frigga says turning to speak with Helena after their food had arrived. Helena bites her lipring and smiles.

"Thank you Allmother." She says. One of the kitchen maids walks up to the front table with a bottle of Asgardian Ale and starts to fill all of their glasses. Loki grabs his and takes a big drink and winks at Helena seductively. She taps her green nails on the table and reaches towards her drink bringing it slowly to her lips. Friggas raises an eyebrow at the girl and Helena winks. She pretends to take a sip before sitting it back down. Loki chuckles from next to her.

Loki laughed inside his head at the little show she just put on. Surely she knew he was the god of Lies and Mischief. He would wait for her to tell him. Loki wouldn't rush her because he knew whatever her reasoning was it was important to her. Although she would need to start seeing a healer soon to start monitoring the babies health. Loki heard Thor's laughter and the mention of his name was what brought him back from his thoughts. Thor was discussing something with the warriors three and Lady Sif and they all got a kick out of it. Loki briefly excused himself from Helena and walked over to where his brother was standing across the room.

"Aye there he is!" Thor laughed taking another drink of his ale.

"Yes brother I couldn't help but overhear my name." Loki glares not quite trusting him.

"Fandral was just saying that he imagines you will be the next to get married brother. It wasn't anything disagreeable." Loki finds his cheeks heating up.

"Hmmm." Is all Loki says as he looks at the group all staring at him expectantly.

"What the silvers tongue turned to led?" volstagg laughs and slaps him on the back. The others join in too.

"Loki would never marry a mortal!" Sif laughs as she takes a drink herself and both Thor and Loki glares at her.

"What's wrong with marrying a mortal?" Thor snaps shutting everyone up. Sifs eyes grow round.

"Nothing at all, I was merely stating the idea of Loki marrying a mortal was comical, because of his hatred for them." Sif says quickly. "I'm sorry if I offended you." Thor grunts.

"Lady Helena is a wonderful human Sif! You should get to know her sometime. " Thor says standing up and patting his brother on the back. "Come on brother, our lovely maidens await." Thor quickly tries to stear Loki from a possibly violent situation. Thor knee his friends meant well but he also knew his brother had a short temper, and anyone who spoke down on someone he loved would surely ignite his short fuse.

"Does it bother you.. marrying a mortal woman? Knowing that some day soon she will die. That she will age while you stay the same?" Loki asks Thor. Thor stops walking and looks at his younger brother hard for a moment.

"No brother.. because Jane will not remain mortal. Mother and Fathers wedding present to us is to make her immortal. It is a powerful spell but mother said she will gladly do it for us." Thor smiles at Jane across the room. She was seated at the table speaking with Odin and Frigga. She looked like royalty already. She blended in perfectly. Loki nodded his head at his brother before walking back towards his beautiful redhead.

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