Chapter 3: Crush, Crush, Crush

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I got a lot to say to you, yeah, I got a lot to say
I notice your eyes are always glued to me
You're keeping them here and it makes no sense at all

CrushCrushCrush, paramore

The last two weeks went by in a blur. Getting moved into my little suite in Stark tower, and filling out all my paperwork. Tomorrow starts my first day as Peppers assistant. Looking around my new living room I smile to myself. It was definitely nicer than my little flat that I shared with my old roommate. I grabbed my last box and started to unpack the little nicknacks around the room.

Every employee in Stark Industries has the option of a room at stark tower. Mine was on floor 19. The entire room was a sandstone grey. Tile floors, semi furnished with a black sleek couch, and some kitchen appliances. The kitchen had a grey marble look to it with a beautiful tiled backsplash. The bedroom was my favorite part. Not very big but it had a king size bed with a big fluffy blanket on top. It feels like home. With a bookcase along the wall holding all my favorites. Then I had a small little walk in closet and a private bathroom. It was perfect.

Helena plopped down on the couch as her phone vibrated in her pocket.

P: hey are you settled in yet? Tony and I wanted to have you over for dinner.

H: that's super sweet of you but I really just want to enjoy my first night in my new place. We could always have dinner one night this week?

A few minutes pass before another message comes through

Tony: hey kiddo, I know your wanting to do your own thing but I would mean a lot if you came up for dinner..

I sat my phone down on the coffee table and groaned. So much for relaxing tonight. I stood and made my way into the bedroom. Looking myself over in the full body mirror. My green sweats and oversized T-shirt definitely wouldn't be okay for dinner. I walked into the little walk in closet and looked at my few options. I decided on a shiny little skirt with a button up blouse. I added a little mousse to my hair to make some soft beach style red curls to my hair and added a small amount of eyeliner. 'That'll do'

H: okay, I'll be up soon

Making my way to the elevator down the hall from my room I was startled to see mr. tall dark and handsome. "We meet again"

"Ah yes, the little sister" his voice drawls. "I didn't know you were here, are you looking for Stark?" I squirmed under his patient, amused gaze.

"Actually I just moved in to my own little suite. I'm going to start working for Pepper tomorrow as her assistant."

"Hmmm I see. Well you must be the black sheep because I'm the only other one on this floor.. and I'm pretty sure it's that way for a reason." He huffed blowing his hair out of his face. "I'm not really a welcomed member to the team"

I smiled at him. "Well don't worry I won't bother you or anything. Knowing Pepper I'll be to busy running errands for her and Tony and I'll rarely be home" he seemed to have an internal argument with himself.

"Might I offer you a drink?" He gestured towards his door.

"No, but thanks for offering. I'm actually on my way up to Tony's.. he and pepper invited me, or should I say pestered me into a welcome dinner" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ah yes, another time then." He turned back towards his door. "Unless you'd like to get out if it?" His eyebrows perk up slightly, a mischievous grin lighting his face.

I chewed my lip. Damn him and his unreasonably good looks making my stomach flutter. "Hmm I guess I could cancel"

His door opened with a wave of his hand and he motioned for me to enter. "After you, darling."

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