Please, dont go

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🎵Please save this for me
I'll come back
For you love I promise to
Please save this for me
For until I return
My love will burn
And my heart will stay🎵
Please, Ludo

Thor appears outside the allfathers thrown room. He takes a deep sigh before making his way inside.

"Ah son, you've come home." Odin says standing up and smiling at his son. "What do we owe the pleasure?" He asks. Thor frowns.

"The Avengers have decided Loki has fulfilled his sentence on earth and are ready for him to be sent home." Thor says sitting down his Hammer and walking up and hugging his mother. Frigga smiles at her oldest son sweetly and Odin looks hard at Thor for a moment.

"I see, and has be been cooperative? Or do you believe he still needs to be punished?" Odin asks Thor.

"It's not really my place.." Thor begins but Odin cuts him off.

"I didn't ask if it was your place son, I want to know your opinion. Does Loki deserve redemption or does he need to be imprisoned here on Asgard?" Odin asks sitting back down and looking to his wife. She smiles at him warmly. Odin smiles back at her.

"Aye, I believe Loki has changed for the better father. I believe he deserves the chance at redemption. But I don't believe he needs to be sent home. Loki knows love, there is a midgardian woman who shows him compassion and it's really turning him around. I believe he should be Abel to stay and be happy." Thor finishes looking at his mother. Friggas eyes light up and a bright smile lights up her face.

"That's wonderful." Frigga says sweetly. Odin sits there and stares at Thor for a few moments before speaking again.
"Very well, Loki's punishment is over. But he will come back to Asgard, and he will do as I say or he will be locked up for a couple hundred years in the dungeons."  Thor frowns but nods his head.

"Of course Father, I will get him." He says. Odin nods his head.

Helenas P.O.V / 3rd Persons p.o.v

**smut warning**

Loki brought Helena back to his bedroom and was on her in an instant. Loki moved his lips to her jaw, opening his mouth slightly to allow his tongue to touch the skin there. Slowly, he trailed his way downward to her neck and she couldn't help but sigh as he nipped and kissed the most vulnerable area of her body. Loki moved one of his hands and began to unbutton the front of her shirt with those slender fingers of his. When helenas shirt was undone she shrugged it off and he went to unclasp her bra, which soon joined her shirt on the floor next to his bed. His fingers traced random, meaningless patterns on her stomach and sides.

"I won't let any man touch you ever again," he spoke, his lips hovering in front of hers before kissing her again. "Never."
Tingles ran down her spine upon his words. Helena wrapped her hands behind his neck, pulling him into her, kisses growing frantic and breathy. Loki began to touch her breasts, rolling them in his hands and pinching her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making her gasp out.

Loki lowered her to the bed so that now her back rested against the silky green comforter. Quickly, Loki removed his shirt, exposing his lean, bare chest to Helena . And now his fingers were hooked under the waistband of her pants, gliding them down her legs.

When he had gotten her undies off, it joined the rest of their clothes; discarded, forgotten. Loki pressed two fingers to her clit, slicking them with her very prominent arousal
"No other man gets to touch you like I do."
As his circling fingers brought her higher and higher. Helena grasped at the front of his pants, unbuckling them as fast as she possibly could. Loki removed himself from her to remove his pants. Helena moaned impatiently for those few seconds she was away from his touch. Then his underwear was gone too and his cock was freed; thick, and strained.
Helena lifted her  hips beggingly. Loki grasped at them and sheathed himself deep inside. Helena let out a choked sound of relief, tangling her fingers through his long, black hair as he thrusted in and out.

"No man gets to fuck you like I do," he growled. "Especially not Stark."

"Loki," she moans . "Daddy." Helenas hands moved from the softness of his hair to his back, dragging her fingernails down. His grip on her hips was rough. The possessiveness frightened her, but in a good way. He was strong, and dominating, and fearsome. Every growl of his, every touch and kiss was his affirmation of his love to her and She loved being his.
He pumped into her faster, her moans and sighs spurring him on. Loki hikes her leg up on his shoulder stretching her further.
"Who gets to touch you?"he growls
"You do" she sighs
"Who pleasures you, makes love to you, fucks you?"
"You." Helena gasps. "Only you....Daddy." Her fingernails in Loki's back dug deeper and deeper.
"You are mine, Helena. From this point on you are MINE" he moans biting down on her neck sucking deep and marking her.
"I'm yours." She cry's out
"Say it again," he says with a hard thrust fingers gripping her hip tighter.
"I'm yours!" She cries out, it nearly being a scream. "Always yours."
His deep, commanding tone makes her dripping wet, and her pleading, moaning and clawing caused his thrusts to become more irregular. Loki starts to stutter his hips as his climax grew nearer.

Helena brings her other leg up around his waist and lifts her hips to meet his. Loki's one hand grips onto her neck squeezing lightly. Loki rasped out one last "mine" as he came. Lokis cum fills her, making her his. The look he gives her pushes her over the edge as well. Her entire body shuddered violently as she rode out her orgasm.


Loki and Helena both laid there panting, his arms tightly wrapped around her. "Helena I mean it, your mine. And I protect what's mine. Stark can't keep you away from me. I won't allow it." Helena nodded her head. She knew he was telling the truth, and she wouldn't allow Tony to keep them apart either. Fuck her job, and screw anyone who tried to get in their way.

While she was asleep Thor appeared inside Loki's bedroom. Causing Loki to snap awake and glare at his brother. "What are you doing here brother?" He snarls as quietly as he can as to not wake Helena. He climbs out of his bed and flicks his wrist dressing himself once again, and leading his brother into the other room.

"What's so important to just enter my quarters brother?" Loki asks more calmly as he conjures up drinks for both him and Thor. Thor shakes his head in thanks before looking down at the floor.

"Before I tell you, it's know that it is not I who wants this brother." Thor says before taking a big gulp of his drink. Loki glares at his brother already knowing what's coming. He can feel it in his bones. "The avengers decided it was time to send you home to Asgard.. and.. father agrees." He states slowly. Loki looks down at the floor.

"So it's decided then, how long do I have?" He says looking at the floor. Thor's silence is deafening. "I see.. well then I better go wake her up and say goodbye.." Loki says standing up suddenly. Thor nods his head.

"I'll let you say goodbye. I'll be outside the door brother." He says going to the door of the apartment. Loki rubs his hand down his face as he walks back into the bedroom. He stands over the bed and looks down at her sleeping figure. Her red hair fanned out across her beautiful face. Loki sits down at the edge of the bed and kisses her shoulder sweetly causing her to stir. Helena opens her beautiful eyes and smiles at him lovingly.

"Why are you dressed?" She purrs trying to pull him back down with her. Loki smiles sadly at her causing her to sit up. "What's wrong?" She asks quietly, sensing the seriousness radiating off of him.

"It seems that my time on earth is over. I'm being sent back to Asgard." Loki says softly.

"What?" She asks sharply. "But you've done nothing wrong." Helena starts to cry. "We've just found each other." Loki reaches up and wipes the tears off her face.

"Darling, I meant what I said last night. You are mine, and I am yours. Do not mourn me darling. I will find my way back to you." Loki states matter of factly. She cry's out softly. Knowing that once he's gone he won't be allowed back on earth. He had told her that in the beginning, but she nodded her head as if she believed him. Loki smiles sadly at her once again and leaned down to kiss her. Grabbing her face in his hands pressing his lips gently against hers. Helena kisses back instantly with all the passion she can muster at that moment. If this were to be her last kiss she wanted him to know that she loved him.

It was over all too quickly as he pulled back. "I'll see you soon darling. You are mine." They look at each other for a moment longer before he disappears and Helena lets out a wail.

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