A change of Plans

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🎵 I finally let go
And learned to live without you
After all those weeks alone
But now you're back for more
I'm trying to fight it off
But there's a mutiny below
There were nights when I was sure
Your love was all I had
Pining at the door you left through
God it hurt so bad
But you're here now
You're making eyes
I'm breaking 🎵
Mutant below, Ludo

It only takes Loki a second to register what's going on and he strides towards Helena. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her towards him, crashing his lips to hers. Helena instantly reacts and kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and smiling into his kiss. A cough startled them making them pull away from each other and Loki smirk. Loki doesn't let go of her as he looks at the others in the room. His arm wraps tightly around her waist pulling her to his chest as if he were to let go she would disappear.

"Now, my son we must discuss something important." Frigga says smiling at her son and the sweet girl before him. Thor grabs Janes hand and smiles at everyone in the room.

"We are going to leave you all to talk, if you need us we'll be outside in the courtyard." Thor says quickly leading a giggling Jane out fo the room. Frigga smiles shaking her head at her oldest son.

Frigga points towards the chair Thor had previously been sitting in and walked herself over to another chair. Loki nodded and pulled Helena with him for he chair. Sitting down and pulling her down into his lap. Smiling at her. Not truly believing this to be real.

"Your father is very set on the arrangement with Jotunheim." Frigga says after a moment. Loki glares at his mother and tightens his arm around his love.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, Helena is here now and I refuse to do it." Loki snaps. Helena looks up at him confused.

"What arrangement?" She asks softly. Loki shakes his head and kisses her neck gently. Frigga watches the scene before her before speaking again.

"The AllFather, Odin wishes Loki to Marry the Princess of Jotunheim to unite our realms." She says slowly. Helena tenses up and Loki rubs his arms reassuringly.

"I won't do it. I would rather be thrown in the dungeons or banished from the realms." Loki says quickly. Helena frowns and shakes her head.

"No Loki, I won't let you be punished for my sake. Not again." Helena says sweetly going to stand up. Loki quickly grabs her and pulls her back down.

"I will not lose you again Helena, remember what I told you. You are mine, and I am yours.. I will not let you go again." Frigga smiles. Helena proving right there that she does indeed love her son. She was willing to give him up to keep him safe.

"Now wait a moment. I said Odin was very set in the arrangement. But I didn't say we couldn't alter the circumstances." She says slowly getting both of their attentions.

Loki smiled up at his mother and nods his head.


Loki leads Helena down the hallways of the palace quickly, smiling as he does so. Her laughter like music to his ears as he pulls her quickly to his room. He stops outside his room and looks to the guard.

"I want you to tell nobody, that I'm here." He says quietly. The guard nods his head and looks straight ahead. He smiles at the guard and opens his bedroom door leading Helena inside. It's absolutely stunning inside the door. The  entire room is lavished in green and gold. Much like his apartment back on earth there stood giant bookshelf's all over completely filled with books. She noticed broken paintings all over the floor and frowned looking at Loki confused. He shrugged before using his magic to tidy everything up. The paintings righting themselves and and even his bed making itself. Loki winks at her and shuts his door behind them.

***smut warning***

Loki is on her in an instant lifting her up by her thighs causing her to wrap her legs around his mid section. The chill from his armor making her moan. He leans forward and kisses her neck slowly from the base of her neck up to her ear taking the earlobe in his teeth and biting gently, causing her to run her hips against him. Loki moans and reaches up grabbing her ass underneath her dress. He takes her to edge of the bed and sits her down on the edge of the bed.

" Will you be my good girl?" He cooed, bringing his hand to her neck and simply holding it there.
"Yes, daddy ." Helena moaned. It made him smile as he leaned back down to kiss her again. He started to grind himself against her. It made him moan with anticipation and pleasure. Once that became too much, he pulled himself away. He sat up, removing his armor and rest of their clothing with magic. He pulled her up by her arms, gently. He had her on her knees. He turned her around so he was facing the headboard. Loki stood behind Helena, and pulled down her panties. Leaning forward kissing her shoulder.

"Mmmmhh perfection." He purred from behind. Loki ran a hand across her ass, and played with her clit for a moment with the other. Helena whimpered. Loki reached a hand out to support himself on her hips as He rested his head on her shoulder and moaned in her ear as he slid his cock deep inside of her with ease. "Perfection."

"Fuuuuuck...daddy.." she moans out. Remembering her loved when she called him that. Loki started to fuck her Hard, and deep. He went slow at first, rocking his hips into her backside. He stretched his arms from either side to support himself. But as he started to move faster, and faster, helena leaned forward and pressed her head against her hands. She closed your eyes and relaxed, but he was having none of that. Loki grabbed onto her neck with one hand and lifted her up so her back was flush with his chest . "Daddy." She moaned loudly for him.

"What a good girl you are." He cooed in her ear through his moans. Helena was so close and so tight, he reaches down and rubs her clit as he fucked into her faster. Desperate for his own release he bites down on her shoulder. It drove her over the edge. Helena braces her arms on his thighs as she cums. Loki erratically thrusted, and moved his hands so they clung to her hip and shoulder. As he called out her name cumming deep inside her.

They panted together until he loosened his grip and pulled away. He laid down on the bed beside her with an exhausted gasp. Pulling her down and gathering her in his arms.


They lay there for hours just cuddling and talking. Talking  about everything they've both been through in the past month. Loki pointed out to her that time worked very differently up here in Asgard and to him it had been double  that time. Helena kissed his chest and hummed in relaxation.

"I love you." She says after a moment. Loki's heart clenches. He believed that was the first time someone aside from family had said those words to him. He looks into her eyes for a moment before replying.

"I love you too darling." Loki says kissing her. They didn't know what was going to happen, or if Friggas plan was going to work. But at this moment nothing mattered. Just Loki and Helena, and their love for each other.

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