In the swells, i am tossed

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Self-loathing is quaint
You told me, showing restraint
Now you're gone, and I'm lost
In the swells, I am tossed
Bobbing and choking and losing the fight in the fog
You said forever
Tell me why can't you stay?
Drunken Lamont, Ludo

Helena laid in Loki's bed for two full days. Feeling depressed and self loathing. She had texted Pepper that she was ill and she was sorry but she wouldn't be in the rest of the week. Everything smelt like him, he left behind all of his belongings. Which In all honesty wasn't a lot. Some special furniture and a couple trinkets. By the end of the second day she was startled awake by Tony.

"Get up princess. Your better than this." His voice rang out. Helena sat up and glared at him. "Come on Helena. He's gone now. What's done is done. " Tony waited a few moments waiting for her to say something. Once he noticed she wasn't going to reply he leaned out into the hallway. Tony nodded to a man vaguely seen from the door way. "Alright go ahead and start packing up all the stuff that's not on the list. I want it gone." Tony looks at Helena one more time before going into the other room pointing things out to the man casually boxing up Loki's things. Once he was out of view Helena jumped out of the bed and started looking around. Seeing if there was anything of Loki's she could take with her back to her room. She went to the table at the edge of his bedroom and spotted his sketch book. She smiled and grabbed it tucking it up under her shirt. The last thing she grabbed was a green hoody that was the only piece do clothing he had hanging in his closet. She put it on over her clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

Tony smiles at Helena as she came into the living area. "Ah there she is. Are you ready to put this all past you and get back to work?" He asks smugly. Helena takes a deep breath composing herself.

"I'll be back to work tomorrow morning mr. Stark." She says turning and walking out of Loki's apartment not looking back.

~ On Asgard~

Loki was brought into the palace in chains and a muzzle. Much like the one the avengers had put him in after his attack on New York. Back to all the theatrics. He thinks as he strolls behind Thor rolling his eyes as all the guards kneel as Thor passes. As the brothers reach the door to the thrown room Thor stops them. "Just try to hold your tongue, and this should go smoothly for you brother." Thor says smiling to his little brother. Loki rolls his eyes. Thor stares him in the eyes for a few moments before he nods his head to the guards to open the door.

The tall golden doors open as the brothers make their way inside. It's quickly closed behind them as to not interrupt the conversation about to be had. Up at the top of the thrown sits Odin and Frigga, and next to them stands the warriors three. Thor smiles at his friends and quickly leads Loki up to everyone.

"Mother, Father, Friends." He says with a loud voice. They all smile and nod towards him.

Odin stands up and takes a step towards his sons. "Loki, i must admit I'm torn at having you back. One the one hand, I'm not sure you've had adequate time to be punished for your actions. But, on the other hand Thor states that you've changed, and you deserve redemption. What do you have to say son?" Odin asks motioning for one of the guards to take off his muzzle. The guard looks concerned as he steps towards Loki and it causes Loki to raise his eyebrows in a humorous manner. Frigga chuckles from next to Odin and waves her hand causing the muzzle to disappear and the guard to visibly  relax. Loki smiles at his mother briefly before acknowledging Odin.

"Well Father," Loki begins to seethe. Thor punches Loki casually trying to reign him in before he says something to anger Odin. Loki sighs and straightens up taller. " I ask for forgiveness.." he says slowly contemplating his own words as he speaks them. "I was not in my own head when I attacked Midgard. I have proved myself to the humans and saved them multiple times. I know what I did was wrong but I do not feel I should be further punished." The trickster God said smiling cheekily to his Father.

Odin stares Loki dead in the eyes for a few moments while everyone seems to be holding their breaths. When Odin starts laughing, breaking all the tension. "Aye, my son. I know you have been doing what you were asked to do, and I also know that you aided the midgardians in there times of need. You handled the frost giants well. Your mother and I believe that you have earned the right to prove yourself here at home. We have a few plans for the prince of Asgard," Odin pauses and glances at his wife briefly. "But we can discuss that later. For now you are released my son. You can roam the palace as you please, but you will be closely watched, and are not permitted to leave the palace until you have earned the right to do so. Welcome home my son." Odin says walking forward and hugging Loki quickly patting him on the back.

Loki glances at Odin shocked that it worked, there was no way he was getting off the hook that easily. There had to be an alternative motive behind it, but Loki pushes that away for now. He puts on a fake smile and thanks his father for his kindness. A moment later his chains and cuffs magically vanish from his arms and legs and he flexes his hands. Frigga comes bounding down the stairs of the thrown and throws her arms around her youngest son and smiles at him, holding his face in her hands. "Loki, my son. I've missed you. You look well. " she smiles kissing her sons cheeks. Loki smiles a real smile at his mother and nods his head. Frigga winks at him quickly before stepping away. She knew they would talk later when they were alone and she looked forward to her favorite son being home. Frigga would never admit it to Odin or Thor but she had a special place for Loki in her heart.

~Back on Earth. ~

It's been a month since Loki and Thor have left, and Helena hasn't gotten over it. She goes to work and ignores mostly everyone if it doesn't directly pertain to work. For the first time in her life she felt love and it was immediately ripped away from her. "Helena, I need you to go and help Tony in lab 2." Her intercom beeped on her desk. Helena stood up and straightened her pencil skirt before making her way to the lab. She knocked briefly before entering.

"Come in." Tony's voice called out as she entered the room. He smiled at the girl and she just stared back at him with an empty look in her eyes. "So I need your help with something." He says motioning for her to join him at the table. Helena nods her head and walks forward standing on the other side of the table putting as much distance between her and him as possible.

"What are we looking at here?" She asks him looking at the holographic computer screen infront of them. Tony smiles looking at her.

"It's a shield essentially," he leans forward and pushes a piece of hair out of her eyes. She leans back quickly glaring at him. "It's to protect us so what your alien friend did a few years ago, doesn't happen again." He finishes. Helena nods her head.

"And what am I helping with?" She ask quietly. Tony starts typing stuff into the computer making the screen change. It's a new Iron man suit.

"Not the shield, but, since your sister still isn't talking to me, I was hoping you could assist me in designing my new suit." Helena nods her head. She's always had an artistic touch so doing this would be a fun project. A new distraction to keep from sitting home at night sad thinking about Loki.

"Sure, Just let me know what your looking for and I'll make it happen mr. Stark." Helena says getting a notepad and pen from a nearby table and sitting down in one of the office chairs.

~Back on Asgard~

Loki was adjusting back to normal on Asgard. He was back to feeling invisible by his family, minus his mother of course. Frigga was actually making an effort to spend time with him daily. They practiced Seidr together and would talk about Loki's art work. One afternoon Loki was sitting outside his bedroom on his balcony painting a picture of Helena while staring out at the waterfall. His view remind him of the night he and Helena made love the first time. When he had shown her what his view looked like at home. Loki smiles at the memory and hums to himself while painting her eyes.

"She's beautiful." Friggas voice startles him slightly. Loki stops and looks at the picture with his mother. It was true  Helena was beautiful, even tho she herself didn't think so. Midgardians are crazy when it comes to self image. Something he didn't think he would ever get used to.

"Thank you mother." Loki says smiling at Frigga.

"Why don't you tell me about her." She says reaching down and squeezing her sons shoulder lightly.

"What would you like to know?" He asks leaning his head against Friggas arm.

"Well why don't you tell me how you met, tell me your love story." She says with a joyous laugh. Loki smiles fondly at his mother and nods his head.

"Well it all started with a ball."

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