Symbolic Groom Ceremony

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🎵A man is many things
Let's count them all tonight
You're letting go of strings
Replacing them with light🎵
Scream, Scream, scream by Ludo

The sun was beginning to set and Loki found himself loathing what was to come. He hated the idea of doing the ceremonial ritual. It meant he had to be stuck with the warrior three, Odin and Thor for an entire night. "Aye brother you need to enjoy yourself tonight." Thor laughed clapping his younger brother in his shoulder. They were all in traditional Asgardian Viking ensembles. They all wore dress tunics and animal skin robes over top. Loki felt he looked absolutely ridiculous. Their tunics were at least their own colors. Loki was in Green, Thor was in Red and Odin was in Gold. Volstagg, hogan and Fandral were all in various colors as well.

If Loki was being completely honest he would much rather spend the night in bed with Helena. But she made him join his brother and father telling him it was tradition and that a Thor was counting on him.

Loki, Thor, Odin and the warriors 3 all stood outside of the Odinson family tomb. Drinking Asgardian Ale and laughing about something stupid that Hogan said. "And there's the sunset. My son it is time for you to wait here and look back on your boyhood. For when this ends you will emerge a man." Odin announces proudly. Thor smiles his boyish smile at his father and nods his head.

"Aye!" Thor shouts as he takes another drink of his ale. The three warriors stay with Thor while Loki and Odin head into the graveyard. Loki rolls his eyes as he follows behind his fathers figure, not looking forward to their time together.

"Did you bring the sword?" Odin finally addresses his son. Loki nods his head before using his magic to Conjur up their family sword. It had the Odinsons family crest on it. "I was thinking we bury it in Bors grave. My father would be proud of the man Thor has become." Odin says proudly.  Loki nods curtly before getting down on the ground and digging the whole. Per tradition he cannot use any magic. After about 20 minutes worth of digging Loki sighs and turns to look at his father.

"Why do you hate me so father?" Odin raises his eye at him.

"What makes you think I hate you?" Odin asks after a few quite moments. Loki sighs irritated and goes back to digging.

"Is it because of what I am? You didn't have to take me from Jotunheim all those years ago. It would have saved us all the trouble." Loki seethes from in the hole.

"You were just a baby Loki, and contrary to what you believe I do love you." Odin sighs rubbing his big white beard. "I'm proud of the man your turning into." Odin says before jumping down into the hole with his son. Loki smiles to himself for a moment before Odin and himself go back to digging.

When they had made their way back to Thor, Odin had his armed draped around Loki's shoulder and they were both laughing. Thor raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment and take away his younger brothers moment with their father. "Alright Thor, son of Odin, Prince of Asgard. Are you ready to shed your boyhood and emerge a man?" Odin asks his son smiling brightly. Thor nods his head and the warriors three and Loki all cheer.

Of course it took thor a matter of seconds to find which grave they had buried the sword in. It was the only grave with fresh dirt in a few thousand years. As Thor dug his way into the grave using his hands he cheered. The test of them all had more ale as they watched there Thor complete the ceremony. It only
Took a few moments before he emerged holding the sword over head! All of them cheered and hooted for Thor. Loki found himself actually letting loose and really enjoying his evening with his brother and father, it felt a little like old times. Before he found out about his true heritage, before Thor was briefly banished and before he was tortured and forced to attack Midgard. It was the first time in years he didn't feel like he was unwanted by his own family.

Next, was the traditional bathhouse where yeah my would drink and give Thor manly advise a voice marriage and fatherhood. It wouldn't be a whole lot of advice on account of the only of them who was married or had any children was indeed Odin, but tradition was tradition. The bathhouse was a small golden dome at the edge of the kingdom. It was y'all and the top of the ceiling was mad elf glass giving a beautiful view of the night sky. The inside had two sections, the first being the bathhouse. Where there were giant tubs to sit in and relax in hot spring waters, then It doubled as a brothel. The other half had beds and women dancing to asgardian music. so this was more like a midgardian bachelor party than he cared to admit to Helena when he explained it to her.

Loki, Thor, and Odin sat in one of the giant tubs and joked with each other while the warriors three were off enjoying the company of some of the ladies. "Father, what kind of advice do you plan to bestow upon us tonight?" Thor asks as he pours himself a giant cup of Mead. Loki hiccups as he finishes off his fourth glass of Ale. Leaning forward truly curious as to what his oaf of a father had to say in marriage.

"First my sons, it's important to know marriage is not to be taken lightly. Once you say I do your life no longer has meaning without your bride," Odin looks wistful for a moment. A twinkle in his eye. "You must always have a sense of trust in one another. Trust is the most important thing in a marriage. If you cannot trust each other your relationship will not last."  Odin pauses for another second. "Communication is key. Do not go days without talking to them. Life gets busy but at the end of the day they are your other half and when there's a problem you must work it out. Swallowing it down and letting it fester your heart is never a good thing. It will tear you apart very quickly. " Odin takes a drink if his Ale before leaning his head back. "And lastly my sons, and this is possibly the most important.. " he looks up and seriously looks into both their eyes. " have sex frequently!" Thor and Loki both roar with laughter. It wasn't really funny but they were all feeling the effects of the alcohol at this point.

Fandral stumbles his way over to the giant tub and sinks down in it. "Speaking of sex. What's it like sleeping with a mortal?" He asks laughing booming deep from his chest. Thor smirks and takes a big sip of is goblet.

"They are definitely more fragile than Asgardian women." Thor says tapping his chin.  Fandral laughs, and they both look to Loki awaiting what he has to say.

Loki laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck "midgardians have a lot less experience but that makes it more exciting. They are very eager to learn and to please." He says blushing sinking down further into he water.

"How different are their bodies then Asgardians?" Fandral asks cockily.

"And that my sons, is my que to leave." Odin chuckles standing up and bowing lightly to his sons. They both smile at him as he walks away. Fandral looks at them both awaiting an answer.

"I'll let you answer this one brother." Loki laughs as he too climbs out of the water.

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