Chapter 6: On Top Of The World

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You'll see our name in city lights
Well make the clock stop make your heart drop
It becomes alive
We could pack up and leave other things behind
No fact or fiction or story line
Cause I need you more than just for tonight your oh oh oh
All I care I can't stop my breathing in
I'm weak and you were my medicine
I won't stop til I am under your skin

Five Minutes to Midnight, BoysLikeGirls

It's been two months since I started at Stark Tower. I've found that I really enjoy this job. So far I've gotten to work with Bruce Banner, Hawkeye and Thor. Then when I'm not assisting the avengers I'm sitting in meetings with Tony or doing paperwork for Pepper.

Arriving back in my suite at the end of the day I'm exhausted. I throw my bag on the couch and let myself fall right next to it. Now hungry, and thinking about the leftovers from the day before. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and smile. It's from Loki. We had been messaging on and off since he and Thor had been in Iceland.

L: I'm not entirely sure I'm doing this right but I wanted to say thank you..

H: of course. I'm glad to help, plus you know it's my job :p when do you think you guys will be back?

A flash of green appears behind the couch and I turn quickly. My heart starts thumping in my throat. There stands Loki, hair slightly tousled a sheepish grin on his face.

"Actually just got back..." he paused and smiles. "So I was wondering.. can I show you something?" His voice is a whisper. We lock eyes and I smile at him. Nodding my head. Work has been amazing and hectic but if I'm being honest with myself, Loki has been on my mind non stop since we shared our kiss.

He reaches for my hand as I stand up off the couch. Our fingers lace together and he wraps his other arm around my back. A shimmer of light and a feeling of absolute coldness strikes for just a second before we appear outside. All I see is stars. I gasp and look around.

"Where are we?" I ask confused. Loki chuckles letting go of my hand.

"The roof.." he says smiling. I glance around. "Kind of"

"It doesn't look like what I imagined" I whisper to him. Loki's eyes light up and he smiles at me.

"That's because this is what my home looks like.. it's an illusion to look like my balcony back in Asgard." He looks wistful. And I reach out and grab his hand gently. Loki's eyes look briefly conflicted until he sighs and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"It's beautiful Loki," I smile at him. "Thank you for sharing this with me." He smiles like a little boy.

"Well I was hoping it would be a nice break for you, from all the hard work you've been doing." He shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal. "Are you hungry?" He asks as he walks towards a small table.

"Yes actually I am. I was going to eat some leftovers right before you showed up." Loki flicks his wrist and the table lights up in a flash of green light. Now there is a small little spread of fruits and cheeses. The fruits i have never seen before. I walk over to the table and slowly sit down. "This is lovely Loki, thank you." Loki sits in the chair across from me.

"These are from my home." He whispers picking up a white round shaped fruit. "Try this one, it's very sweet" he stretches his hand out and offers it to me. I smile sweetly at him and lean forward biting into it. Of course he was correct and it was so deliciously sweet.

"That's fantastic, thank you." I reach for a piece of cheese to counter the sweetness. I slowly take a bite and turn back to him. "So how long are you stuck here?" Loki grabs another piece of fruit.

He furrows his eyebrows for a second in deep thought. "Until I can prove to Odin that I've changed, that I am no longer a threat to Midgard." He flicks his wrist and some of his Asgardian spirits appear along with two glasses. " or until Stark decides to try to kill me." He laughs and pours himself a glass before pouring me one also.

"Tony is harmless.." I say taking a sip of my drink. "And if I can be so bold.. I don't think your a threat to humans, I think your a great guy Loki.." the look on his face is of genuine shock.

"Well I've been called a lot of things but I don't believe great has ever been one of them.." he looks down at the food on the table. "Thank you.." His voice is quiet. My heart skips a beat before I lean forward and press my lips against his. As soon as our lips touch he lets out a relieved moan.


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