Loving you

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🎵And I meant every word I said
When I said that I love you
I meant that I love you forever

And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you
Cause it's the only thing I wanna do
I don't wanna sleep
I just wanna keep on lovin' you🎵
Keep on loving you, REO speedwagon

As with all Asgardian weddings it would happen relatively quickly. But Helena made a special request. She wanted her family from Midgard to be there for this. Loki was hesitant but Thor agreed and in the end Thor was the king of Asgard. In a few days time Tony, and Pepper, Wanda, and Dr. Strange would be coming to Asgard for a week long wedding celebration.

Loki sat in the floor of the nursery with Snow and he floated a green orb above her head making her giggle and reach for it. A green mist appeared around the orb and it slowly lowered to Snows hands causing Loki to laugh boyishly. "Oh my smart little princess." Loki coos to his daughter. He presses his finger tip to her nose and smiles at her. The second his finger touches her he starts to see flashes of visions in his head. Pictures of himself holding snow when she was first born, images of himself and Helena hugging each other, and an image of him on his knee at the ball proposing to Helena. He makes a small gasp before he grins.

"What did she show you?" Helena's voice asks from the door way. She was holding onto the door frame with a big smile on her face.

"Us.. how long have you known she could do that?" He questions picking snow up and standing with her in his arms. Helena grins before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ears.

"The last night I was on Midgard. She showed Wanda something and then Wanda told me... she's so strong." Helena whispers walking towards Loki and snow. Suddenly Snow giggles and the room changes briefly. Only for a split second but I causes both Loki and Helena to gasp. "What was that?" She asks Loki.

"I have no idea." He says softly. He kisses Snows cheek before cooing at her once more. "I was thinking.. how about we leave her with her nurse for a few hours and we..." he drops off with a suggestive wink. Helena feels a little bit of butterfly's in her chest. It's been a while since they'd be intimate. She blushes and nods her head slowly.

*********smut warning**********

The second they are back in Loki's chambers he has her pinned against the door. His hand lightly around her throat while peppering kisses down her jaw and neck. Their kisses are rushed and hungry as tho they haven't touched each other in years, when In reality it had only been a couple weeks. Loki is quickly peeling her dress down off her shoulders and attaching his lips to her shoulders and collar bones. Tracing his tongue across imaginary patterns on her skin. She moans and grips his hair tightly causing a groan from him as well.
"I want you." She moans trying to pull his mouth back up to hers.

"Patience my darling." He says continuing to kiss across her skin. Goosebumps arising where his tongue touches and she can't take it.

"At least take off your clothes so I can touch you.. please." She moans out. Loki chuckles and flicks his wrist causing his clothing to vanish from his body. Helena instantly starts to lightly scrape her nails across his shoulders and down his back causing him to bite down gently onto her breast. Loki starts kissing all over both breasts taking his time with each of them. She once again tugs in his hair trying to pull him up.

"What do you want darling, tell me." He whispers seductively as he slowly kisses back up her chest to her neck to her jaw. Helena squeezes her eyes shut and whimpers at the sensation of his lips on her body.

"I..I want you." She says softly. Loki chuckles and lightly presses his lips against her own.

"You gave me darling." He says pulling back and winking at her. Helena stares at him a moment before biting her lip.

"No, I want you.. all of you.. Jotun you." She whispers before batting her eyes. Loki groans and tilts his head back. They had only ever done that once and he would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy it.

"Are you sure? I don't know how long I will last like that." He says seriously looking into her eyes. She bites her lips again and nods her head yes quickly, almost desperately. Loki moans before slowly releasing his glamor revealing his true form. His skin turning a beautiful blue hue and his familiar designs arising onto his skin. Helena quickly pulls her dress up that's pooled around her hips. Loki gets the memo quickly that she's wanting him right now. Not the drawn out for play he was intending to give her. He reaches down and grabs her thighs before pulling her up higher. She wraps her legs around his hips and puts her hands on his shoulders. Loki once again presses heated kisses all over her skin as he quickly bunches her dress up and roughly shoves himself inside of her. They both let out a loud moan and he instantly stills his movements. "Are you okay?" He asks with clenched teeth. His arms are shaking with restraint but even in his truest form, that he considers monsterous he still cares about her well being and pleasure first. Helena quickly nods her head and thrusts her hips against him to show him she was ready. Loki groans before tightly gripping her hips in his hands. Suddenly he's moving inside of her. Quick and deep thrusts blanching her up and down against the wall. Moans and gasps of pleasure fill the room as he keeps up his harsh rythem. He can feel his release quickly approaching so Loki quickly brings one hand from her hip and starts to circle her clit with his thumb. Helena moans and digs her nails into his shoulder.

"F..fuck daddy." She moans throwing her head back. She's right on the edge of her release now. Loki presses his lips to hers and kisses her deeply as his thrusts become erratic. Helena moans out and tightens her legs as her orgasm rips through her body. She moans out his name loudly which causes him to finally push over the edge. He grunts out pleasurably before shooting his release inside of her. They are both a panting mess as they come down from there highs together. Loki kisses her forehead, then her cheek before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. He slowly sets her feet down onto the floor before putting his glamor back on and looking once again like the handsome Asgardian prince she's accustomed to.


They are both laying on his bed cuddling while she traces imaginary patterns onto his naked chest and she sighs. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" She whispers before pressing a soft kiss to his temple. Loki smiles brightly at her.

"No, but I know there is no way you could love me even half as much as I love you." He says back sweetly.

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