I can see it now

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🎵I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I'd never speak
Awake and unafraid
Asleep or dead🎵
Famous Last Words, MCR

The sun light trickled in through Loki's giant bay windows. The two lay in bed sleeping way past sunrise. Loki's fingers are sprawled out over his lovers stomach and smirks to himself. The golden rays from the sun shines over her sleeping figure. Her pale white skin reminded him of the midgardians children's tale Snow White. Loki couldn't help but smile at the image of a small dark headed child running throughout the castle hallways laughing. Pale skin like himself and their mother. Childish laughter throughout the halls. He could just picture his mother sitting on the throne room floor playing magic with his young child.

"What makes you smile so?" Helenas voice whispers bringing his attention back to her beautiful face.

"Picturing our child my love." Loki says before leaning down and kissing her nose.

"Do you suppose the child will be a frost giant?" Her blue eyes hold wonder. Loki looks taken back by her question and a frown crosses his face briefly.

"We don't have to worry about that right now darling. But I am curious if our healer can tell if the baby is a frost giant or not. We will have to call on her soon. " Loki presses another kiss to his lovers still flat tummy before sitting up. "Why don't we go tell mother. I'm sure she will be ecstatic." Loki chuckles. Helena smiles sheepishly and looks out the window at the golden rays of sun.

"She knows actually.. she was the one who discovered I was pregnant."

"Leave it to mother to know before anyone else." Loki chuckles. "But still, I would love to go to talk to her about it. " Helena turns her head and nods sweetly. Loki used his magic and immediately they were both dressed in day clothing fit to walk the castle in. Helena was in a flowing green gown with a black bodice, and green flats. While Loki was dressed in a relaxed green day tunic with black pants. They matched wonderfully. Loki preferred when she was in his colors. It gave him a sense of pride.

The palace was rather busy this afternoon as guards and maidens busied themselves with preparations for Thor's bachelor party. "Are you excited for the bachelor party?" Helena asked as she watched everyone hurry around. A smile ghosting her lips. Loki cringed slightly.

"Not entirely." He steered her towards a new wing of the palace she had yet to be in. "But let's not talk about that right now, More important things are at hand darling." Loki grinned as he pointed at a room at the end of a long purple hallway. "The healers office. It's like a midgardian Hospital. It's where the wounded asgardian soldiers are brought from war, and the royal family go when they are sick or wounded. The common asgardians have their own healer in the middle of the city. " he explains as they enter the velvet doorway.

"Prince Loki, welcome." A cute blonde woman curtsies as they enter a blush on her face. Loki nods at her not really paying to much attention.

"We are here to see Saga." Loki says as he pulls Helena into a room with him. There was a large white table floating in the middle of the room. A cabinet to the left full of what looked like bottles of perfume. Helena cocked her head to side as she tried to read some of the names on the bottles. "They are potions darling, some of them tonics. The most common form of healing in this realm is by potions and magic. "Helena was absolutely fascinated.

"Do all asgardians have a form of magic?" Helena asks as they wait for Saga to join them. She finds herself walking around the room and taking in the various artifacts.

"No darling, magic is still rare here.. not as rare as it is on Midgard but it's still something to be desired here. I wasn't born with magic myself. But Frigga taught me at a young age. While Thor was busy learning to spar with his friends I had my nose in a spell book and Frigga at my side teaching the proper uses of spells." Loki smiles at the memory.

"Prince Loki, what an honor." Saga says as she enters the room. Saga is extremely tall and slender with dark brown hair and wrinkle lines deep in her forehead. She nods her head politely to Helena as well.

"Nice to see you again Saga. I believe you've met Helena." Loki says. He lovingly reaches out and touches her cheek. "As you know she's pregnant.." he trails off not taking his eyes off of Helena. She blushes.

"Yes we've met. " Saga nods. "Are you here for something particular? Is there a problem?" She asks walking towards the small redhead. She raises her hand bringing forth her magic to check her over.

"No nothing particular Miss Saga. We are hoping to get started on her pregnancy care. Also we were hoping you could answer a question for us." Loki says kissing Helenas cheek.

"Of course, why don't we start by having you lay on the table." She motions for Helena to climb onto the floating table in the middle of the room. Helena looks at Loki sheepishly before walking to the edge of the white table. It feels cold and sleek as she slowly pulls herself up onto it. "I apologize but I don't remember, how far along are you in your pregnancy?" Saga asks as she presses her hands towards Helenas stomach.

"I believe believe 8 or 9 weeks?" Helena shrugs. "I'm sorry but I'm not quite sure." Saga nods and goes back to examining her. Loki steps towards the table and nods reassuring at her.

"So your baby is definitely 9 weeks at this point. Seems very healthy. There is something odd tho." Saga pauses and glances at Loki. He nods his head for her to continue. "The Baby seems to have a protective shield around it. Some type of magic I haven't seen. It feels very strong." Loki smiles so big.

"We were wondering if you could possibly see.. if the baby is of Jotun decent?" Loki asks as he places his palm down on her tummy. Saga looks him deep in the eyes before looking back down at her stomach. She concentrates her magic hard the golden glow turns to a purple hue and she slowly pulls back.

"The baby seems to not be a mortal no, but I cannot tell what exactly it's origin is. The shield is protecting it." Loki glances down at Helena with a worried expression on his face. "I wouldn't be alarmed Prince Loki. The baby is very powerful and has a kind heart. I can sense it." Saga days breaking the tension in the room.

"I trust you will keep this between us, is that correct?" Loki asks her, she nods her head.

"Of course. I want to start Helena on a Tonic. It will keep her safe during the duration of her pregnancy. As long as it's taken daily she should be fine." Saga says smiling at Helena. "If you'll just give me a moment to prepare it." She exits the room and leaves Helena and Loki alone.

"Are you okay?" He asks as soon as the door shuts. Helena nods her head not meeting his look.
"talk to me darling. I can sense your worry." He says concerned. Helena shakes her head no.

"Can we talk about it later?" She asks him quietly. Loki stares at her for a moment before nodding his head. He wouldn't push her now but they would definitely be talking this through later.

"Okay so the tonic needs to be taken first thing in the morning, every single day. And I would like to see her back in a months time. We can check the babies progress and hopefully see if we can find out more on the babies heritage. "

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