Family Time

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🎵Recount the night that I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
You felt the weight of the world fall off the shoulder
And to your favorite song we sang along, to the start of forever🎵
Still in to you, paramore

Loki's bright green eyes flashed as he watched Helena walking through out the throne room with their beautiful daughter in her arms.
Snow was now a few months old and she was extremely intelligent. She looked like a perfect mixture of the two of them. Thor day on his throne and laughted happily at his niece.

"Does it feel differently?" He heard Helena ask Jane quietly. Jane smiles and reaches for Snow before replying.

"It's invigorating honestly, I feel stronger than ever before and knowing that I'm immortal and will live forever with Thor gives me the greatest sense of peace." Janes reply rings out. Loki watches as she takes his daughter up to Thor and sits her on his lap on the throne. He smiles at the sight. She looked perfect on the throne of Asgard, even as a baby she looked like she belonged there.

"Careful brother, maybe she is destined to rule Asgard!" Loki addresses Thor. Thor chuckles and slightly ruffles snows hair before replying.

"Aye brother, if Asgard was ever destined to be ruled by a queen I would gladly be ruled under my precious niece." Loki walks over to Helena and wraps his arms around her waist. He couldn't believe just a few months back he almost lost her. Loki planned on making her his own. He just had to choose the right time. Helena smiles up at him lovingly before looking back at their daughter.

"I had a request my king." Helena address Thor shyly. Loki sighs, he knows what's coming. They've talked about it in detail the last few nights but he still wasn't excited with the idea. Thor nods his head at Helena as he continues to coo at the baby. "I was hoping, I could accompany you next time you return to earth, er Midgard. So I could take snow to meet her family." Helena finishes shyly. Thor smiles and seems to ponder her request.

"Aye milday! I don't mind you and the princess accompanying me to Midgard when I next go," Thor looks Loki in the eyes before continuing. "I will guard them both with my life" Jane smiles widely from beside him. "As long as you help watch over the kingdom while I'm away brother." Loki chuckles darkly.

"Of course my king." Loki says sending a wink to him. Thor laughs and throws his head back.

Later that afternoon Loki found himself outside his mothers chambers anxiously. It took him around five minutes before he got the courage to knock. Of course Frigga had seen him coming and opened the door after the first knock. There she stood with a big grin on her face, a knowing look in her eyes. "Hello my son, I've been awaiting your visit." She says stepping to the side welcoming him in. It's cute how flustered Loki is as he paces around her rooms trying to find the words to say. Frigga already knows what this visit is about but she won't take this from him, he has to say it before she will say anything. Loki pauses and pushes his fingers back through his hair before sighing.

"Mother, I..." Loki laughs to himself before continuing. "I want to ask Helena to marry me," he blows out a breath. "I wanted to know if you could help me figure out the best way to ask her.." he finishes quickly. The nervousness on his face make him look younger. He reminds her much of the young boy who would come and ask her to teach him spells when he should have been with Odin practicing his sparring. Frigga smiles  sweetly at her youngest son.

"That's lovely my darling." Frigga walks towards Loki and pats his head lovingly. "She is a beautiful, and kind woman." Loki lets out a breath and smiles. He looks relieved.  "Why are you so flustered?" She asks leading him towards a few chairs.

"Because I don't know what I'm doing, I'm afraid she's going to turn me down, I'm afraid I don't deserve such happiness." Loki says solemnly. Frigga frowns and shakes her head.

"You my son are deserving of love and happiness just like everyone else. You love so strongly and so fiercely my son." Loki smiles at his mother and shakes his head.

"How do you love me so?" He asks his mother cautiously. "I have been such a bad man these past few years, and have done wrong by you, and yet you continue to love me as if nothing's happened?" Loki says with tears in his eyes. Frigga quickly wipes them away.

"Stop this, you are a very good man Loki, and you are loved. Now, let's talk about why you came." She says giving him a knowing smile.

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