That changes things

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🎵Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
(Leaves me on my own)
Hold me too tight, stay by my side
And let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time🎵
Smother me, The used

Helena woke up to Loki kissing all over her shoulders and neck. She moaned softly and leaned into his touches. "Are you hungry?" He asks softly kissing her earlobe. Helena nods her head sitting up.

"Yeah, come to think of it I haven't eaten since yesterday." Helena leans forward and kisses Loki in the lips gently.

"Well one of the kitchen maids just dropped off a small feast for us. Curtesy of Frigga." Loki motions towards a large tray full of various foods. Meats, fruits, cheeses and pastries. Helena slowly pulled away from Loki's embrace and climbed off the bed, heading towards the food. Loki smiles at her from the bed and nods his head, encouraging her to eat. She picks up one of the white fruits Loki had given her that night on the roof and popped it into her mouth. "Mmm" she moaned softly. Loki chuckles from the bed and just takes her in.

"How long have we been sleeping?" She asks as she picks up some type of meat, giving it a quick sniff before taking a bite of it and smiling.

"A few hours, I must admit if I didn't have to go discuss things with Odin I would have slept the day away with you darling." Helena blushes and grabs some cheese off the tray and walks back over to Loki feeding it to him sweetly.

"So what are you going to tell him?" She asks as loki kisses her fingertips. Loki shrugs and looks into her eyes.

"Whatever I have to, too make him listen." She nods her head and slowly climbs onto his naked lap wrapping her arms around his neck.

"How much longer until you have to go?" She asks kissing his neck and rotating her hips slightly. Loki moans and looks up to her.

"Little minx" he drawls. "I have a little time." He says grabbing onto her hips tightly giving her a wink..

A few hours later Helena wakes up again alone this time. She smiles at the fact she was actually here on Asgard to be with Loki. She didn't tell anyone she was leaving and to be honest she didn't really care. She found her dress from earlier draped over a chair and she smiled. She got herself dressed quickly and went over to the mirror in his room to examine it properly. It was beautiful and it was Loki's colors. She giggled and turned side to side admiring the dress. That's when she noticed all the hickies marking her neck and collarbone. She touched one of the marks on her neck and smiled. She was truly happy, and as long as Loki could convince Odin to let them be together then everything would be perfect.

Loki's p.o.v

Loki walked into the thrown room in full armor and took a seat next to Odin, Frigga, and Thor.  Thor nodded his head towards him and gave a hint of a smile. Odin nods his head at him before standing and addressing the court.

"Tomorrow our visitors from Jotunheim will arrive and we will begin the start of a peace treaty." His voice booms. Loki glares at the ground and Frigga reaches over 
And taps his knee in a Reassuring manner. Loki looks up at her and they share a knowing look. He knew his mother would help in anyway she could.  "We encourage you all to welcome our visitors and treat them kindly. " Odin addresses the room once more. The crowd all murmurs their agreements and Odin smiles at them before continuing. "My oldest son, Prince Thor, would like to say a few words." Odin says before sitting down and motioning towards Thor to go ahead and speak.

Thor takes a quick glance at his mother before standing and smiling at the people of Asgard.
"Thank you Father," he turns to his dad and smiles. "I wanted to address you all and formally announce that I am to be married. " his loud voice booms. Loki's head snaps up and looks at his older brother and smiles at him. "A wedding will be planned in the coming weeks and then shortly after I'll be crowned King of Asgard." He finishes. The entire room irrupts in applause. Frigga stands and smiles at her son hugging him tightly. Thor looks off to the side door and motions for Jane to join him. She nods her head and quickly walks over to him, they embrace infront of the kingdom. Odin stands and claps his hand on his sons back and smiles at the couple, and to be honest the entire thing pisses Loki off..

His father acts as tho he's proud of Thor for marrying a mortal but when he speaks of loving one Odin acts as tho it's a sin. Loki remains seated and claps his hands along with the rest of the room. Nodding his head at Thor and Jane. This wasn't the right time to address Odin, Maybe it wouldn't ever be the right time. Odin didn't care what made Loki happy. He only cared about Thor.

Frigga senses the change in her younger son and frowned. She would figure it out. He just needed to believe in her. Odin stood back up and dismissed the kingdom and turned with Thor and Jane as they all exited the room. Loki stood to leave as well and was stopped by Frigga. "Walk with me." She says grabbing on to his arm. He nods at his mother and they walk out of the room.

They find themselves in the courtyard surrounded by flowers and shady trees. "I have a plan." She says smiling at Loki once they were in a well secluded are. "You will agree to marry the princess, but it'll never come to that. " she whispers. Loki takes a step back and glares at his mother.

"And what do I tell Helena? I'm sorry you came all the way out here to be with me, now watch me court a princess?" Loki snaps. Frigga smiles at her son.

"I will speak to Helena. Odin won't have anything negative to say about her because she will be here to help assist in Thor and Janes wedding. Besides, there will be not courting of Sigrun, after you announce your engagement she goes back to Jotunheim until the wedding" Loki still glares at his mother.

"That still doesn't help her. She will think I don't really love her. Mother I will not lose her again." Loki states anger in his voice. Frigga walks up and embraces her youngest son.

"I need you to trust me my son. Allow me to speak to Helena before you tell her anything." Loki shakes his head in frustration and walks away.

Helena walks around Loki's chambers and smiles at everything that shows more into who he is. She glances at all his spell books and trinkets, lots of canvas with paintings of various things. Helena stops when she notices a painting of her. She gasps. It's of her looking off into the distance. It looks more like a photograph than a painting. She touches the canvas softly and smiles. He was a beautiful artist.

"I love that one too." Friggas voice calls out from behind her. Helena jumps and turns her head to look at the woman. Helena goes to curtesy but Frigga smiles shaking her head. "No darling, you don't need to do that." She says hugging Helena.

"You've seen it before?" Helena asks as Frigga pulls away. Frigga smiles at her.

"Oh yes, shortly after Loki returned home he painted it. He spent the evening telling me about you and how you two met." Frigga smiles fondly at the memory. "Loki is very fond of you my darling. Which pleases me greatly," she pauses and walks out onto the balcony. Helena following closely behind her. "Loki hasn't had the easiest life.. Odin is harder on him than he is Thor. But that doesn't mean Odin doesn't love Loki in his own way." Helena looks out over the balcony with Frigga and they both stare in silence.
"Loki will have to agree to the marriage of Sigrun the princess of Jotunheim. " Frigga says slowly gauging Helenas reaction. "But you must understand darling, it will never get to that point. With Thor and Janes wedding in the next few weeks there is no way for Loki and Sigrun to marry as quickly as Odin wanted." Frigga watches as Helenas eyes tear up.

"What of me? Do I have to go back to earth?" She says sadly.

"No darling, you will stay and be part of Thor and Janes wedding, and I have a plan." Frigga smiles looking to see what Helena says. Helena doesn't say anything she just nods her head. "Don't worry, the princess of Jotunheim will not be here so you needent worry about that" Helena suddenly gets hit with another wave of nausea and runs back inside the bedroom looking for a trash can or a bathroom. She finds his bathroom just in time before throwing up. After a few minutes of throwing up Frigga comes in and rubs her back in slow circles.

"How long have you known?" Frigga asks smiling down at Helena. Helena frowns at Frigga not understanding.

"Known what?" She asks wiping her mouth. Frigga smiles brightly at the girl.

"Known that you were pregnant?"

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