The Scarlet Witch

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🎵You're the strength I need to find,
You're the reason I still try.
I'm the moth and you're the light.
Give me wings so I can fly,
I can fly.🎵
Ashly, escape the fate

"Your lying." Loki seethes calling the kings bluff. There was absolutely no way of them knowing that just hours prior she had went to Midgard. The plan worked beautifully. It hasn't been moments after Loki's capture that Thor and Odin charged in and started to slay the frost giants. The battle was of epic proportions. The asgardian army had trained hard for this and very few of them were lost in battle. It didn't take long before Odin and King Klandör were facing each other down. Everyone behind seemed to stop their own fights to watch this one. Klandör gripped Odin up in the air by his throat but Odin was smarter, he had hoped that this would happen. He pulled out his long scepter and sliced in through the air actively slicing off this kings head similarly to his Loki had killed Sigrun months ago. At the fall of their king many first giants halted their assault on the Asgardian. Thor and Loki, in turn haunted their army.

"This is done." Thor's voice booms across the battlefield. "Asgard and Jotunheim no longer have to be enemies." He continues as he address the frost giants. "We will work together and keep both realms safe." Many frost giants start to bow down and drop their weapons causing Loki to roll his eyes.


Helena had been back on earth for a week now and spent most of her time both Pepper and Wanda. She thought of Loki frequently, especially when she was alone at night. Feeling lonely and scared. There was a real chance she would never see him again, and they left things so badly between them. Would he even care that she left? Wanda and Helena decided to spend the afternoon in one of the training rooms of Stark tower. "I wish to teach you magic." Wanda says as she helps put some of the bigger armor they had around her little sister. Helena is extremely excited to see if she can indeed use magic herself. "We shall start small." Wanda says standing beside her. "Like this." She says as she brings her hands together knowing front of her. She closes her eyes and a very small red ball emerges out of thin air.

Helena brings her own hands out infront of her face and concentrates hard. Nothing happens and she frowns. "I don't get it." She whines. Wanda giggles at her.

"Think of something powerful. Something that makes you happy. Or sad" Wanda says softly behind her sister. She takes her hands in her own. "Conecentrate, and think powerful thoughts." Her accent speaks in her ear. Helena sighs and try's again. A powerful memory.. she remembers kissing Loki that first night in his apartment and smiles to herself. She had no idea then that she would be where she is now. A flash of turquoise light dances before her eyes as a ball of light hovers over her hands. Wanda laughs and hugs her sister. "See you can do this!" Helena smiles and concentrates harder, she closes her eyes and thinks of the first time her and Loki made love. A loud pop rings out and she opens her eyes back up. The training dummy on the other side of the room was on fire with blue flames and she giggles.

"Was that me?" She asks turning to Wanda. Wanda nods her head ecstatically. Wanda turns her hands slightly and lifts one fo the dummy's completely off the ground and moves it around with her magic and Helena smiles, she nods her head and mimics her actions. It takes her a moment but then a blue light swirls around another dummy as it lifts up into the air. Both girls giggle excitedly.


Loki has arrived back in Asgard with the hopes that Helena was back as well. He knew if she desired to be back his mother would have summoned her via Heimdall. He stripped off his armor and made his way to his bed chambers quickly. It only took moments for him to realize she hadn't come back. Groaning he throws himself down onto the bed and glares at the door. He knew he had gone to far and he vowed to himself if he ever had the chance to make it up to her he would. Mortal or not Helena had become everything to him, and so had his baby. Would she come back in time for the baby to be here? Would she stay on Midgard and never let him meet the child? His stomach was in knots.

It had only taken him a day before he broke down and decided to spy on her. Summoning up a mirror so he could see what she was doing back on Midgard. She was with the scarlet Witch. They were both laying on big fluffy couches and laughing. Her laugh caused him to smile, at least she was happy. Wanda says something he can't quite understand. Helena laughs in a fit of giggles. Then suddenly she is grabbing onto her stomach and gasping. Loki's heart rate starts to pick up. Something is happening with the baby.

"My water broke." She says suddenly to Wanda. Wanda stands up quickly and starts to panic.
"What do we do? I don't know anything about babies!" Wanda says causing Loki to roll his eyes. 'You take her to a bloody healer!' He thinks growing more and more alarmed. It's too early he thinks suddenly. Grabbing his mirror he takes off running..

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