The ball (Part One)

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🎵 Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so🎵
Love me tender, Elvis

Tony's P.O.V

"Jarvis pull up the tapes" Tony commands his computer. Pepper is sitting there in tears. Helena has been gone for two days. Her cell phone was left at her desk and so was her purse. There has been no way to get ahold of her and everyone was worried.

"Of course, one moment sir." Jarvis voice rang out. A screen comes down from the ceiling and a video without audio starts to play. It shows Helena at her desk working on a drawing before standing up and walking away. The camera changes to a different angle and shows Helena talking to Jane, Thors girlfriend.

"What was she doing here? We haven't seen her in over a year." Pepper says. The last little bit of the tape shows the two girls stepping into the elevator.
"Jarvis where did the elevator take them?"

"They went to to the roof sir"

"Did they Come back down?" Pepper asks this time.

"No ma'am. " Jarvis finishes. Tony sighs and kisses peppers forehead.

"Alright does anyone have Erik Selvigs number? I remember he was one of the ones Loki took over a few years ago. " Tony snaps at no one in particular. All the avengers in the room starts mumbling to themselves. "Well come on, someone find it." Tony snaps.


Helena stands in Friggas bedchamber and examines her dress in the mirror. Frigga picked it out. It was a ball gown style dress and it was golden and had an intricate design. "Oh my dear girl. You look beautiful." Frigga says from behind her. Frigga walks forward and uses her magic to curl her hair. "Are you ready my darling?" Frigga asks offering her arm to the girl. Helena smiles and nods her head.

"I think so." She says. Frigga smiles and pats her arm.

The ballroom was extravagant. It was enchanted so the air had snowflakes falling but it wasn't cold. The stars shined brightly through the open doors. Frigga leads her towards the head table where so far only Odin sat. "Darling, I wanted to introduce you fo Someone." Frigga says sweetly addressing Odin. Odin smiles at his wife and nods his head.

"Hello dear, how are you this evening ?" He asks to the petite redhead. Helena smiles and curtsies.

"This is Helena, father." Loki says coming out of nowhere. Wrapping his arm around her waist. Helena tenses lightly.

"Nice to meet you sir." Helenas voice barely above a whisper. Odins one eye glares at his son and then at his wife. Odin grunts at her.

"Yes well, she needs to be seen and not heard tonight. We can discuss this tomorrow." Odin says dismissively. Helena turns to walk away but Loki's arm tightens around her waist. He nods his head at his father and gives him a mischievous smirk, before turning and walking away with Helena. Frigga smiles as the two try to walk away.

"Loki sit down now. Sigrun will be here shortly and you will not ruin this." Odin snaps at Loki.
"What have you done" Odin snaps turning to Frigga.

At that moment Thor sweeps in and grabs Helena by her hip and leads her over to a table that sits Jane. She smiles politely at Odin, Frigga and Loki as she's swept away. Jane smiles sweetly at Helena as she sits down next to her.  They make small chit chat before a trumpet plays out across the room. Thor bows his head "I'll be back." He says walking back to the head table where Odin, Frigga and Loki all stand. At that moment the air feels a tad colder as a group of frost giants enter the room. The king in the front, followed by two guards and the princess in the back. She was wearing a blue dress that matched her skin tone beautifully. Helena sighed annoyingly jealous of what was about to happen.

As Odin and the Jotun king shook hands they all sat down. The princess was sat directly next to Loki and she leaned over and whispered something to him. Loki made an uncomfortable face before nodding his head slowly. Making eye contact with Helena. He gave her a quick wink before looking at Odin.

Loki's p.o.v

Loki sat at the table and glared at Odin as Thor swept Helena away. She truly looked beautiful. She looked like an edgy princess. Something from one of those punk movies be watched on Midgard. He smiles to himself. Loki easedropped on Odin and Friggas conversation intently while absentmindedly looking around the room.

"Bringing her here changes nothing. " Odin whispers to Frigga trying to keep listeners out of it.
"But can't you see she's absolutely darling, and she makes him so happy."  Frigga pleads with her husband.
" I didn't say she wasn't pretty, but she's a mortal. We need to unite our realms and Loki is the only one to do so." Odin sighs taking a drink from his goblet.
"Janes a mortal darling. Plus, Lokis in love, he deserves to be loved, and the girl loves him so much she's willing to go through all this if it means his freedom." Odin laughs.
"Of course I love the boy. But he has duties and he will fulfill them. Now we need to continue this conversation later, our guests are arriving."

At that moment the trumpets rings out and Loki stands along with his parents. Before their guests are in the room Thor is back over joining them, standing on Loki's Left. The Jotun enter and walk up to the head table where he was currently seated. Princess Sigrun stood on Loki's right and winked at him. Odin and The King shook hands and everyone sat down. Sigrun leans over and whispers
"I know about your little mortal. If you value her life you'll go along with this marriage or I'll have her killed. You will not ruin this for me.. killing her would be so simple." She smiled looking him dead in the eyes.  Loki nodded his head, seething inside his head. She just signed her own death wish by threatening his beloved. Maybe he wouldn't kill her today, maybe not tomorrow but soon she would suffer. Loki glances over at Helena making eye contact. She looks so upset. He sends her a wink before looking back to Odin.

Odin faces the kingdom. "Let the festivities begin!" And at that moment music started to play. The room erupted in laughter and chatter as everyone started to mingle. Food was pushed inside by a fleet of maids. Thor smiles at Loki.

"You'll be my best man, aye brother?" Thor asks smacking his hand down on Loki's back. Loki glares daggers at his older brother.

"You've always gotten everything you've wanted. You get the thrown, you get odins love, you get forgiveness and now you get to Marry your mortal. " Loki seethes where only Thor can hear. Thor's smile wavers only slightly.

"Loki, I think the world of you. All I ever wanted was your friendship, And even now, Mother, Jane and I are all trying to help you. At least think about it please." Loki nods his head slowly. "Mother has something up her sleeve little brother." He whispers the last part lowly.

"I'll think about it." Loki vows. Thor smiles and stands up before walking off towards Jane and Helena. Loki watches as Helena and Jane both laugh at whatever His big oaf of a brother said. He watched as Helena fed herself a few grapes casually stealing peaks up at him.

"Loki, why don't you and Sigrun dance?" Odins voice interrupts Loki's thoughts. Sigrun smiles cockily at Loki and begins to stand up.

"You know father, a dance sounds lovely." Loki says as he turns around and stalks off towards Helena. Odin glares as he walks off.

"Kids" Odin mumbles to the Jotun king who growls at the situation.

Helena is standing with her back turned to everyone else as she talks to Jane and Thor.

Loki comes up behind her and kisses her neck sweetly. "Darling you are beautiful, your positively glowing." He whispers in her ear. "I'm so happy your here." He says pulling her to him in a real hug. She wraps her arms around his waist and hugs onto his armor. This was the first time she seen him with his helmet on.

"I like the horns, it's sexy." She whispers in his ear. Loki chuckles 'hehehe'

"I'll have to remember that darling. " he says. "Dance with me?" He asks leading her towards the middle of the floor. She gulps and shakes her head.

"I suck at dancing." She try's to pull him away. He laughs and wraps her arm around his neck and grasps her other hand.

"That's because you haven't had the right partner." He says as he starts to spin her around the dance floor.

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