An Apology

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🎵Just one more night
You ask so tenderly
A softer side
I'd longed so longed to see, yeah
So long
You slip inside
We'll work it out
Mutiny Below, Ludo

Snow was four weeks old now, and she was the most beautiful baby. She had enchanted everyone in Asgard. Helena was back in Asgard for the time being but she still hadn't forgiven Loki for what he had said to her before he left for Jotunheim. Helena had moved into a smaller bedchamber in a different part of the castle, closer to snows nursery. One thing she didn't think she would ever get used to was the idea of having wet nurses..but Frigga insisted on it. The royal family apparently had rules when it came to their children and grandchildren. The babies were to be kept in the nursery with the wet nurses most of the time and were not permitted to sleep in their parents rooms at all. 

Which is how Helena finds herself alone in her room. With nothing else but her thoughts. Loki hadnt really made much of an effort to show her one way or another that he was still interested in her and it was killing her. Helena sighs and rolls onto her back. She concentrates hard and makes a small blue orb appear and giggles. She missed Wanda already and found herself wanting to go back and visit her but she couldn't bear the idea of leaving her daughter, and even if she felt Loki didn't love her anymore he was definitely head Over heels for their daughter.

The ceiling of her room had nothing special too it, it wasn't a beautiful galaxy like her daughters and it wasn't green and golden like Loki's either. It's as boring. Just then a knock rings out on her door startling her. Maybe something was wrong with snow. She shot out of bed like a rocket and was at the door in a matter of seconds. She pulled open the door and their stood Loki. He had his back turned to her door and his hand in his hair.

He looked like he was about to walk away and she cleared her throat. "Is something wrong?" She asks softly. Loki turns to face her and smiles sheepishly.

"Can I come in?" He asks softly. Helena nods her head and steps to the side allowing him inside her room. She slowly shuts the door behind him and watches him pace the floor. He must have started to speak five times before he stops and looks her deep in the eyes. "Firstly, I never apologize so please know that I'm trying." His hand pushes back his hair. "Second I should have never said such things to you.. I love you and our daughter with all my heart, and you asking me if I cared for you at all struck a horrible cord deep inside if me. I only said what I said to hurt you. I am the god of lies darling and I am quite good at it unfortunately. But that's all it was, a lie. I do not hate all mortals and do not believe that they are only meant to serve us gods. I am truly sorry I hurt you and put you both in danger by doing so.." Loki pauses and plops himself down on the edge of her bed. Head in his hands. "When I thought snow was dead I wanted to die.. I literally wanted to end everything, and when I thought you had died as well something broke inside of me. The only reason I haven't come to you sooner is because I don't think I'm worthy of your love. You've done nothing but love me and show me compassion and at the first sign of argument I said what I knew would hurt you the most. I know your afraid of aging an dying while snow and myself age much slower and I'm so sorry for planting doubt in your head." Helena takes in everything he says and mulls it over.

"I should have never doubted your love for us Loki. That was my mistake, and I'm sorry I let hormones override my judgment." She says sweetly. Loki and her stare at each other for a moment before she strides over to him and kisses him passionately.

*****Smut Warning*****

Suddenly the kiss is tender, and Loki's tongue slips inside of her mouth, caressing gently. Helena finds herself moaning. He was starting to push her down onto the bed, climbing over her with enthusiasm. It had been way to long. They hadn't actually been together since shortly after Thor and Janes wedding over four months ago. Loki kisses all over her neck While his fingers trace down her thighs. His fingers were frighteningly cold but her thighs were feverish, and the higher his fingers went the warmer she was. He eventually reached her parted folds and wasted no time entering them. Loki moaned at the sensation. She let her head fall back as he stroked her, working her into a frenzy. Loki decided to add another of his long digits into the mix, pushing into her and curling them to hit her g spot that made her moan loudly. 

Helena came rather quickly, not having been touched in such a long time. Loki growled and grabbed her hands yanking them up and holding them above her head. He leaned down and bit down onto her lipring and pulled gently.   "Who do you belong to?" He asks softly, a growl deep in his chest. Her eyes roll up in her head. This was so erotic. He reaches down and yanks her dress up her hip and tears her panties off. "I asked who you belong to." He says again.

"You, daddy. I belong to you. " she moans. Loki quickly gets rid of his own clothing before drawing her leg up onto his hip. His hands pin her down on either side of her head and he slowly pushes inside of her. They both let out the breath they seemed to be holding in. Loki softly thrusts his hips up into her as he kisses her cheek and down to her neck.  After a few minute of this slow pace she groans lightly and pushes him back, confused Loki pulls off of her. Helena sends him a wink and pushes him down onto the bed, climbing up over top of him. She pulls her dress back up over her hips and grabs ahold of him, bringing him back to her entrance. She slowly lowers herself ontop of him and he grunts in pleasure. His eyes rolling back in his head. At this angle Loki fills her to the brim.

"Gods, Helena, your so tight." He moans out loudly. His fingers reaching up and grabbing tightly onto her hips. She starts to roll her hips in a circular motion looking down at him with hooded eyes. He grins up at her and bucks his hips upward causing her to moan out. "Such a good girl for me." His words alone makes her clench tightly around him. She loved being praised. Helena moved one hand down ontop of his chest and began to thrust her hips in a faster motion. Loki smoothed a hand up The back of her spine and cradled the nape of Her neck. He brought her down into another kiss while using his other hand to press Her hips tighter against his. Loki's hand tightened on the back of her neck as warm sparks shot down to her core.

"Fuck, Helena just like that." Loki whispered.

Her body began to tremble and her hips began to move erratically against his, as her inner walls tightened around his swelling erection. She rested her forehead against his and felt his warm cum shoot deep inside her. He released the nape of her neck and allowed her to sit up straighter so she could work her hips faster and faster. Helenas entire body curled and she let out one last loud moan before she felt electricity shoot through her body. Loki groaned as he laid back and watched her come undone, admiring the way her face lit up as she moaned out his name.

"Theres my babygirl." Loki whispers as he flipped them back over so he was once again on top. Loki kisses her forehead, and then each eye and then the tip of her nose. "I've missed you."


Helena smiles up at him lovingly and places her hand on his cheek. She already forgave him, she was just waiting for him to come to her. Loki smiles and kisses her palm as she slowly pulls his away from his face.

"So are you moving back into my rooms?" Loki asks hopefully as he leans up on his elbow. She thinks about it for a few moments.

"Yes, but I would like to keep this room incase I need it to get away for a while. I think it would be better so I don't run back to earth again." She says slowly, gauging his reaction. Loki taps his chin in understanding.

"Of course darling, I would most definitely prefer that, to you leaving the realm and going where I cannot come after you." He strokes her hair lovingly. "Speaking of which, I'm assuming you did indeed find your answers concerning your ancestry?" He asks her. Helena smiles fondly and nods.

"Yeah, Wanda is definitely my sister. She doesn't remember why I was given up, but she remembers me. That's enough for me." Helena says smiling. "I would like to go visit again sometime soon, so Pepper and Wanda can meet Snow, they would adore her." Loki frowns.

"I'm not entirely keen on the idea of you and our baby being somewhere I cannot go, but I wouldn't object if my oaf of a brother went with you." Loki says softly. She smiles at him.


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