This War is Ours

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🎵Through the fire and the flames
A sea of dead drives men insane
We march the fight into the cold
This is as far as it will go
The battle ends on top of here
This is where we conquer fear
On blackout armed with our swords
This war is ours.
This war is ours.🎵
This war is ours, escape the fate

The ride into Jotunheim was silent. Thor, Loki, and Odin led the way on horse while the warriors three, Sif and the rest of the Asgardian army followed behind on foot. They're were all embellished in furs to keep them warm while on the frost planet. The planet was made up of mountains and ice, not a very welcoming place to be.

"Now remember our plan." Thor spoke to his army. They all nodded there heads in agreement. Odin looked from his oldest son to his youngest. "Aye!" Odin says. It was Loki's idea and Thor and Odin had reluctantly agreed. Loki was going to be the bait and once they had him the army would rush in and take out the giants. He wasn't on board with it because the morning they had left he had discovered the mortal Helena had fled back to Midgard and he knew his son wasn't in the right frame of mind. It didn't mean anything tho because they were where they needed to be at this point. Far enough away to remain unseen but close enough to hopefully swoop in just in time and rescue Loki. Loki jumped down off his horse and nodded his head first at Odin and then to Thor.

Loki knew there was a chance he could die, but at this point he didn't know if he even cared. He stalked forward and into the neck familiar palace of the Jotunheim. Sitting on the Throne in the middle of the frozen palace was King Klandör. A wicked grin on his frozen features. "Ah the prince has come to die." His voice sinister. Loki glares at the King.

"I've not come to die, I've come to take my rightful place as King of Jotunheim. I am the son of Laufy Laufeyson and it is my rightful place." Loki says pacing around the frozen room like he owned the place. The king laughs and throws his head back.

"Laufys basterd of a child he left to die." Klandör chuckles deep in his throat. Laughter echos around the room, revealing that they were not alone. Loki lets go of his Asgardian glamor and reveals his Jotun form. King Klandör lifts and eyebrow before laughing again. "He left you to die because you are puny. Nothing but a runt. You cannot challenge me boy, and after what you have done to my daughter you are lucky to not be immediately executed!" The king shouts so loudly causing the walls to shake. Two frost giants double his size but come out of the shadows on either side of him stalking towards him in big strides. Loki chuckles to himself before putting his hands up in surrender. The two giants grab him and shove his face into the ice holding him in place. "But death would be to simple for you." The king says again as he watches the scene unfolding infront of him. "And I know the only way to watch you suffer the way I have suffered is to kill your mortal." Loki's face goes Stoney and he refuses to say anything. The king laughs causing the giants to laugh again. "You didn't think we didn't have eyes on her? The second she was alone on that weak planet I sent my men to go fetch her for me." Loki eyes shot up, the blood red in them flashing dangerously.

"Your lying." Loki gasps out harshly as his face is shoved deeper down onto the floor.


Helena was nervous as she went to speak with wanda. She wasn't entirely sure why, in all honesty they had spoken at least a dozen times before and she was extremely friendly. But what if she didn't want a sister? Or what if she was wrong and she wasn't related to her at all? She sighed and chewed on her thumb nail. This was the main reason she came back and she was going to make herself do it one way or another.

Wanda was waiting for her in one of the conference rooms. She had no idea what this was about except that Tony had requested her presence. Wanda sat in one of the chairs and twirled an orb of red magic above her while she waited. She looked up as she heard the door open. Helena walked in and smiled sheepishly at Wanda. "I don't understand." Wanda says in a thick European accent. Helena rubs her neck and thinks about what to say.

"I have a few questions about your childhood." She says slowly. Wanda lets the orb dissapear as she sits forward.

"What do you need to know?" She cocks her head to the side trying to read her. Helena sits down across from her and bites her thumb nail again.

"When you and Pietro were little, did you have any other siblings?" She asks slowly. Wandas eyes shoot up and she stares into her blue eyes.

"Why? What have you heard?" Helenas heart race picks up. This seems promising.

"Do you remember having a little sister?" She asks. Wanda quickly leans forward and touches her hand to Helenas forehead and digs deep. Images of herself, and her brother running around the yard and a baby Helena sitting and watching flashed before her eyes. Helena had the same power as she did except hers was a turquoise like blue. It radiated off of her at such a young age it frightened their father. Wanda pulled back and gasped. It couldn't be.. she hasn't seen her sister since  she herself was 4 years old. This wasn't possible.

"How do you know?" Wanda asks her voice shaking. Helena smiles and shakes her head

"I'm having a baby, and my baby has very strong powers.. I started having these dreams about you and our brother and I didn't know for sure until now.." she breaths out quickly. Wanda looks at her stomach covered by a hoodie.

"Your having a baby?" Wanda asks her eyes flashing a brilliant shade of red. Helena smiles and touches her stomach lightly. Without even realizing it Her own eyes flashing a bright blue.

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