Chapter 5: Out and About

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And I find you, twilit beyond all the cars.
In driveways they sleep but streetlights will keep watch over me.
They flicker like stars.
And now the secrets carefully kept inside, run the streets red
our chemicals spread, washing us through, making you mine...

-Streetlight, Ludo

Loki hated the avengers. He hated being trapped in this god forsaken building, and most of all he hated Tony Stark. He laid back in bed and threw the tiny green ball up in the air above his head. He hated how Odin cursed him to this wretched planet. Mostly he hated how no one trusted him.

Last night was the first time in a long time he let loose and had a little fun. He had no idea why a mortal made him feel the way he did. Mortals weren't really his thing. Hr found Thor's lover Jans insufferable, she was A midgardian who chased the stars. Helena was different though. Of coarse there was no denying Helena was beautiful. Although, He did have a thing for Red heads. Back when he was in Asgard he tended to migrate towards them.

A Pounding on the door grabs his attention. He sighs heavily before sitting up and flicking his wrist changing from his pjs into his traditional Asgard robes.

"What?" He asks pulling open the door. Tony stark stands there hands on his hips looking as annoying as ever.

"Hey Reindeer Games. We need to talk" Tony strides into the room and sits himself down on the couch.

"By all means let yourself in" Loki seethes. Tony rolls his eyes and fixes his sleeves.

"We are sending you on an assignment ." Loki's eyes widen as he takes in this information. His heart starts to beat faster. He's been living at Stark Tower for two years and has yet to be allowed to go anywhere.

"You must be in trouble if your asking for my help." Loki chuckles. He can feel his insides vibrating with excitement.

"Don't get too excited, You'll be with Thor, and he will be in charge of you."

"So what exactly do you need my help with?"

"There seems to be an issue in Iceland, there have been witness reports to a giant frost creature and we feel it may be a creature from your home planet" Loki glares at Stark.

"So you want me to what? Kill the beast? I'm sure Thor can handle a measly Frost Giant." As he says it his insides twist. If it's really a frost giant that means there is a war beginning.

"Yes I'm sure he can, but I understand that you yourself are a frost giant, so we were hoping you could find out why it's here .." Tony trails off and Loki just stares at him. "You should meet your brother up in the mission rooms.. he can fill you in on the rest." He cocks his head at Loki and stands up. Walking towards the door he turns and smiles at Loki. "Think of it as a small vacation. You finally get to leave. Make sure not to disappoint, okay Dracula?"

With that Loki flicks his wrist and lets the door shut in Tony's face. Loki closes his eyes and suddenly appears in the Mission rooms.

"Brother." Thor's voice rings out. Loki nods his head before realizing there was another person in the room. There she was again. Helena. He couldn't seem to get his mind off this particular mortal and it was bothering him to his core.

"Of coarse he can just appear" She whispers very quietly. So quietly Infact that had he and Thor not been gods they wouldn't have heard it. Thor laughs loudly.

"Aye! As a child he used to jest with me all the time. He would appear at the most peculiar times to try and frighten me. Ah brother good times!" Thor exclaims slapping his little brother on the back.

"So when are we leaving?" Asks Loki turning towards one of the monitors.

Helena grabs one of the folders Pepper had printed up for her and started flipping through the pages.

"I can get you guys out of here on the jet tomorrow morning." She says confidently.

"Darling, we don't have to fly. I can just transport us there. There's no need for that. Besides I find midgardian Travel positively gastly." Lokis voice drawls out.

"Aye, I say we leave now. No time like the present. Can you transport both Helena and myself?" Thor asks smiling at Helena. Loki furrows his eyebrows.

"I wasn't aware she was going with?"

"Oh I'm not. I'm just here to assist you guys get ready and help how I can here..."

"Aye, but I believe you would be helpful while there. You can help me keep an eye on Loki" Thor smiles at Loki. "He seems to enjoy your company and maybe he won't misbehave it your present." Loki laughs out loud at this.

"You underestimate me brother" Loki says.

"I'm sorry guys but I really shouldn't go either way. I'm technically Peppers assistant and I have a meeting this afternoon with Tony and another avenger." Helena mumbles blushing. "But of coarse if you need anything I can give you both my cell phone number and I will be glad to assist you" she says sheepishly.

"We don't have phones. There is no such technology on Asgard." Thor's voice booms. Loki tilts his head.

"I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind lending you one while your gone if you'd like?" She asks. Loki nods his head and smiles. "Okay I'll be back." Helena bows to the two gods and sneaks out of the room.

Helena quickly found the supply room and found one of the older phones that Pepper had showed her during her tour that morning. She unplugged it and checked to make sure it had a full charge before returning to the Asgardian brothers.

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