Let the Flames Begin

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🎵Pain make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!🎵
That's what you get, Paramore

Helena felt so comfortable with Loki. He really was completely different when it was just the two of them. Loki decided on taking her to a little Italian restaurant. He shocked her by glamoring his clothing so that it looked as though he was wearing a black suit with a green tie. He stated that he didn't want to bring attention to them.

Dinner was actually really lovely. It was a quite restaurant and they sat in a little booth. Loki kept his hand protectively on her knee the entire meal. "I find myself rather drawn to you, little one." Loki admits after they finish eating. This startles Helena. She was truly under the impression what he felt towards her was purely sexual. "Well if I'm being honest, I'm rather drawn to you as well." Helena whispers leaning forward and kissing Loki's cheek. Loki smiles at her before standing up. "Are you ready to go?" He asks reaching for her hand.

Before she could reply they  are interrupted by Thor. "Ah brother there you are!" His voice booms throughout the entire restaurant, causing everyone to turn towards them. Loki glares at his older brother. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I need you to come with me, the both of you." He says smiling at Helena. Helena quickly stands up grabbing Loki's hand and the two of them follow Thor out of the restaurant.

"What's going on?" She asks Thor sweetly.

"More frost giants, Stark wants Loki and I to go take care of them, and he requested you to return to base." Thor said slowly looking to gauge Loki's reaction. Loki sighed and shook his head.

"Darling I'm sorry but it looks like we will have to do this another time." He focuses on Helena. She smiles and shrugs.

"Duty calls, no worries." Thor smiles at the international between his younger brother and the red head. She was good for him. Someone who doesn't judge him for his past. Someone who seems to realize he's more than he leads on.

"Can you get a ride back to the compound by yourself my lady?" Thor asks sweetly. Helena nods her head.

"Of course, I'll just call a taxi." Loki shakes his head.

"No, I'll transport you back." He says firmly grabbing her and pulling her towards him. Thor can't help but grin at the scene before him.

"Aye brother, take her back then you and I shall go together." Thor claps his hand down on his younger brothers shoulder. Loki rolls his eyes at his older brother and nods, flicking his wrist and transporting himself and Helena back to the compound.

~~back at stark towers~~

Loki had taken her back to her room before kissing her cheek and disappearing. Helena sighed and went into their bedroom and changed her clothes into leggings and a big comfy sweater. She made her way into the elevator and smiled to herself. It was a rather good dinner with Loki, even tho they were interrupted he had admitted to her that he felt more towards her than just lust.

'Pardon my intrusion miss Helena, but Mr. Stark would like you to meet him in debriefing room B." Jarvis voice rang out in the elevator. Helena jumped slightly before nodding her head.

"Thank you Jarvis" she replied to the computer.

Stepping out of the elevator Helena made her way down the hallway until she found the room she was looking for. Tony and Pepper were both sitting at the table seemingly deep in discussion when she arrived. She knocked lightly on the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was told you wanted to see me." She said causing her sister and Tony to look up. Pepper smiled at her and nodded her head.

"It's fine, come join us." Pepper said motioning towards one of the empty seats. Helena nodded and slowly walked to the chair closest them.

"Am I in trouble?" She asks quietly as she sits down. Tony looks at her for a moment before replying.

"That depends.." he says slowly. "We're you with Dracula tonight?" He asks. Pepper rolls her eyes and Helena sits up straighter.

"Is this because we left the compound? I'm sorry I know he's not technically supposed to leave and all that, but I figured since you were letting him on missions now it wouldn't be a problem. We were only a few blocks over, at a restaurant." She rushed out trying to defuse the situation. Helena really didn't want Loki to be in trouble and lose is privilege to leave the compound at all.

Pepper reaches forward and tapped her arm reassuringly.
"He's not technically supposed to leave no, but I think the issue was we were worried because you didn't tell us where you were going." Pepper said to her little sister.

"Fuck that. " Tony said making both girls jump. "I don't want you anywhere near Loki. He's bad news. Are you not aware of what he did to New York a few years ago?" Tony snapped.

"He's not the same p.." she started to say. But Tony interrupted her.

"Don't tell me he has you fooled. Your not stupid Helena. " Tony reaches forward and grabs her arm lightly. "Don't act like a child."

Helenas eyes start to water. Pepper notices this and glares at Tony.

"It's fine Tony, Loki hasn't done anything wrong In over a year. I don't see the problem." Pepper says standing up.

Tony glares right back at her.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't want someone i care about getting hurt by some psychotic alien." He snaps at pepper. "Maybe you should go back home while I handle this." He says to her. Peppers eyes widen and she turns around and stomps out of the room slamming the door shut. Helena is still sitting there with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, he has been nothing but kind to me." She whispers after a moment. Tony looks back at her before sighing.

"You know, why don't we call it a night. We do have a rule here where you can't date people you work with." Tony says standing up. "So whatever you guys we're starting I want it to end. " He says rubbing his chin. "He's not good enough for you." Tony says reaching out and tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Helena just stares at Tony, tears silently falling down her face. She nods slowly and looks down at the table.

Loki's P.O.V

He and Thor has taken out the frost giants easily. "I want to know how they are getting here." Thor said wiping the blue blood off of his hammer.  Loki looked at his brother and shrugged.

"Not that I care either way, but you might want  to warn Frigga and Odin.. " he said slowly. Thor looked at Loki and nudged him.

"You know they miss you.. they find no joy in punishing you." Thors thick accent drawls. Loki glares at his brother.

"Don't lie brother. Not with me." Loki hisses. "Odin could care less about me, and Frigga only cares because it's her duty to."

"Loki mother loves you, whether you want to admit it or not." Thor says shaking his head. "Come let's go back to Stark towers, we can have a drink and then you can get back to your lady." " he says smiling slightly. Loki nods his head and transports them back home.

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