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VERY OLD DONT SAY NOTHING DUMB. I WAS 15. Thanks. Read newer books for better writing idk what to say.

 Read newer books for better writing idk what to say

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May 28th

"Aaron downstairs. Hurry up." Jaylani said as she swung her sisters door open.

"Tell him I'm coming."

"But you're not. You still don't have on shoes."


"Lying ass bitch. But it's okay. I'll lie for you." Jaylani gave a fake smile and closed the door.

She was dressed she just didn't have on a jacket. Her sister was so technical and picky. Out of all of her siblings Jaylani and Isys had the worst mouths, when Naomi came around none of it was flying though and they knew that.

Laylani grabbed her phone and made her way down the steps, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. It was hot as hell even though the sun was going in the process of going down.

"Where you going?" Nasir asked, looking his daughter up and down flatly.

"Aaron, his friends, and my best friend."

"You not gon get cold?"

"It's 70 degrees."

"I think you might get cold. And that is probably gonna annoy you too." He said, pointing towards her belly ring.

"Dad it's fine."

"Mmmm I don't want you catching a cold."

"It's 70-"

"Leave. He's holding you up cause he don't want you to go." Naomi said, popping her head from around the corner.

"Okay bye."

When she got outside Aaron was waiting for her with other people in the car. She didn't look around when she got in because really she saw the same faces everyday.

Laylani got in the car and sighed, feeling uncomfortable for some strange reason. She looked around and saw a new face.

"This is Tay. He's Ciara's friend but he don't be around other people a lot." Aaron said, pulling out of their drive way.

Tay looked down at his phone, still not speaking.

"He think he a hot nigga so don't mind the attitude." Ciara added.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now