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Go back and vote before I make you wait till August 1st for chapter 8 😍😍😍 sounds lovely don't it

That little star down there? Make it turn orange ma'am

That little star down there? Make it turn orange ma'am

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August 25th


"My dad." Laylani whispered, pushing Tay off of her quickly when her doorknob jiggled.

"Layla- mmm." Nasir stood in her doorway and looked at her suspiciously.

"Yes?" She tried not to look at him because her expression would give it all away.

"Whatcha doinnn?" He asked playfully, eyeing Tay as well.


"Where's your books?"

"Studying. Mental studying. He asks a question and I answer it off my head."

"Mmkay. Just came to make sure y'all wasn't doing nothing that would make me do something." Nasir smiled and closed the door back, knowing they were being sneaky.

"We gotta go." Tay slipped his shoes on after checking the time on his phone.

"I don't wanna go anymore." She whined and put on her GG bloom slides, not remembering why she said yes to Ciara in the first place.

"Too bad. My lil brother coming so Ciara childish ass want me there too. I really don't care what she want but I ain't seen him in some weeks."

"Y'all don't live together?"

"We do I just don't acknowledge him cause he annoyin." Tay said seriously.


"Your brother is so sweet." Laylani cooed, hearing Tay suck his teeth.

"No he ain't. He just being nice."

"Awww you so adorable. How old are you?"

Tays little brother Immanuel or Iman for short was a lady killer. He was 5'10 and 16 with short curly hair and brown skin, a shade lighter than his older brothers. He was nice.

If he liked you.


"How cute. So you're a sophomore?" Moriah was doing what she always did, talk a lot.

"You talk a lot. People tell you that often?" Iman asked, not being funny.

"I wasn't trying to be annoying. I was just-"

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now