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^chunky butt Laylani

Ayeee this was gon be a happy chapter but y'all pissed me the fuck off with yo ghostin so.

Bloop. Not updating till 450

 Not updating till 450

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December 17th

Xander sat in the living room while Naomi talked to Elias's therapist about him about getting suspended. She saw Nasir in him and wanted him to go down the right path but he was a lot more hard headed than her husband and her brother in law.

"Can I talk to you?"

Xander looked at Dr.Tidwell like he wasn't shit and the doctor laughed, recognizing it from Elias who'd he been talking to for almost 20 years.

"You gon talk anyways."

"Well can you talk to me? I wanna get to know you."

"You good."

Samuel sighed and decided to dive right in. It took him 3 months and hours of talking for Elias to even tell him what high school he went to.

"Why are you so angry?"

"I'm not angry, fuck is you talking about? Maybe I just don't wanna be bothered with this shit." Xander snapped at him, making Samuel flinch.

He was white and in his 60's but he'd delt with a lot of angry black boys and for the past 20 years it'd been two specific black boys that intended on making his life hell. But he enjoyed it. And he understood their anger. Nobody wanted to tell an old white man about their hurt.

"Pops here?" Nasir asked from down the hall, talking to Naomi.

"Yeah. Wanna see him?"

"No fuck him. Old ass nigga." He walked up the steps and Samuel laughed. Nasir talked to him about any and everything and still managed to talk shit about him but that's just who he was.

His favorite conversation was about Naomi's first complete pregnancy with Laylani. He'd never seen Nasir so happy. Her birth made him a better person.

Even when he talked about Naomi his eyes didn't hold that glimmer. Of course they were full of love and unfamiliar strong feelings that would remain forever, but loving you're child was a mind boggling sensation.

Sam was getting older and older and it hurt Nasir to watch his brown hair turn white.

He was scared of him dying, who would he talk to with him gone? Naomi was always an option but it wasn't the same when you have someone who dedicated the last 18 years of their life to catering to your anxiety attack's, random rages, and struggle to feel.

"If you died who'd cross your mind before that last breath? Mom, brother, uncle?"


𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now