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I love Ciara faceclaim sm ^^

I have on nails longer than what I usually do so typing was hard. If you see typos comment. UNLESS somebody already did.

October 13th

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October 13th

It was quiet as Tay drove home with Laylani. He was thinking about the fact that his mom was there and she was probably gonna want to talk to her and for some reason the idea of that happening annoyed him.

Bethany was annoying and pessimistic which was another reason he was the way he was. He never felt like there was anything to look forward to because his mom always convinced him that that's just how life was.

They weren't poor or struggling, she worked a job as a nurse and they did live in the hood for a long time. She was that one mother that kept her kids clean and polished so people thought she was a good mother, but in all reality she was every other hood bitch that talked shit to their kids and made them feel like life was pointless.

She used to tell Tay to stop talking about the NBA or college because niggas like him were born in the hood, stayed in the hood, and died in the hood.

He began forming his own opinions on his mother as time went by and she noticed. One day Bethany hit him in his face a few times and he pushed her back. Tay was 12 going on 13 and she slapped him for saying her opinion didn't matter, something along those lines. His glasses broke and that's what really pissed him off. The hurtful words were normal at that point.

She almost seemed shocked that he'd pushed her because he was a tall boy for his age. She threatened to call the police on him and he shrugged, not really caring.

For some reason that day changed a lot of things about him. He wasn't the optimist he was before and whatever dreams he had went down the drain. He'd given up.

Taylin started leaving the house at all times of the night at 13, coming back with cuts and wounds because he was with older niggas that he'd met through his older brother Israel. He became more and more detached, caring about only 1 person and it wasn't even himself.

It was Iman. His younger brother was all he had. They argued a lot but it was because Tay thought with his heart more often than not and Iman would start with him and call him pussy. Almost like Iman was Israel minus the psychopath tendencies.

Tay cried a lot and his brothers hated it. Crying was the most embarrassing and frustrating thing in the world to him. He couldn't help himself though, it's just who he was.

Then 5 years later, he met an abnormally small girl named Laylani.

She made him happy and she made him want more for him. But he had an uncontrollable fear that she'd realize she could do way better than him and dip.

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