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I cried so hard bro I really can't with myself

I cried so hard bro I really can't with myself

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December 18th

Tay got out of the shower and heard his TV on, getting annoyed. Everything was pissing him the fuck off lately. Laylani was dodging him, school was annoying him, and he barely had time for himself.

Every time he thought he could sit down and relax he had something to do, practice to go to, or a coach to meet.

"Shit is so irritating. I'll kill her dumbass." Tay mumbled to himself as he squeezed the water out of his hair with a towel.

She was ignoring him and he didn't even do anything. Last year Tay would've cheated and blocked her ass for playing with him.

"I missed you." Israel said from the desk chair, catching Tay off guard. He just sighed and grabbed his gun out of his drawer. He was confused but he didn't wanna die trying to play friendly with his crazy ass brother.

"Why you here?"

"Woah.. just came to visit." He laughed and waved his hand.

"You can die bitch."

"Calm down nigga. I thought Laylani had you sane now?"

Tay raised an eyebrow and stepped closer, getting pissed off. He thought his brother was dead and gone so him knowing anything about his personal life as of now was out of line. He'd been watching him and he didn't even notice.

"I don't know nobody named Laylani. I can see you're still a weirdo."

"Don't lie to me. I met her. Cute ass girl, short, fat ass, quiet spoken. Mm." Israel teased his brother knowing he'd snap.

"What?" Tay put the gun down and stood over Israel who sat in the desk chair.

"A party last night. Her shit fat." He laughed but stopped when his younger brothers fist connected with his jaw, a loud cracking noise making the room go silent. Ahmir went blank and beat on Israel who wasn't even fighting back, almost like he wanted it.

"Fight back bitch ass nigga." Tay said impatiently.

"Nah." He spit out blood and smirked knowing he was pissing tay off.


"Fuck is wrong with this nigga?" Elias asked, shooting Israel in the leg. He groaned in pain and continued smiling.

"Why does she matter to you? I can see you and you being mad. You made her fine ass and you fuck her fine ass. But not you." Israel motioned to Nasir and Tay, getting another bullet to his leg.

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