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I have been so tired. I hate this chapter but it's the boost I needed for the plot so w/e.

November 12th

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November 12th

"I'm coaching men.. not little ass boys. If you got a girlfriend dead that shit. Nobody wants to draft a man with no priorities!" Coach Simmons looked at everybody and Tay scoffed in his head.

Fuck that.

"Coach I come to practice on time but I h-"

"Quinten shut up, whenever you and whassaname argue you go to games and embarrass me. When you get to the NBA your girlfriends won't matter. What matters is that court, the ball, the net, and the crowd. You hearing me Taylin?" Simmons's said dryly, knowing the boy didn't care about what he was saying.

"I hear you talking if that counts."

He was the only boy on the team who could get buck with Simmons for two reasons. One being he was the best on the team without a doubt and the other being Simmons was intimidated by the younger and wouldn't dare get in his face like he did with the other boys. Tay carried the team most of the time.

"You got you a lil girlfriend too? When you get to the NBA, saying when cause I've got faith in yo evil ass, you won't look twice at her. There are women far more attractive than these high school girls y'all are infatuated with now. Save her the misery and end it."

"No." He said nonchalantly, still not caring about what Simmons was saying.

"Lebron James dont cheat!" Andrew said loudly.

Simmons sighed and blew the whistle, signaling for them to get up.


Aaron stood over Iman and cleaned his gash quietly. He said he was done but people lie all the time.

"You know I care about you.." Iman said quietly, ignoring the sting from the alcohol.


"A give me a break I'm tr-"

"Iman I don't care. You keep making me look stupid and I keep letting you so whatever. Get out." Aaron threw the bandaid wrapper away and shooed him out but Iman wasn't giving.

"I'm trying I'm just selfish sometimes but I promise I want you, I don't want anybody but you. Stop looking at me like you hate me because I know you don't." He grabbed Aaron's face and made him look up at him impatiently.

"I-stop." Aaron looked at Iman and cried uncontrollably. He was so embarrassing and humiliating and he didn't even care about how it made Aaron look.

"I'm sorry please don't cry. I didn't know you even-"

"Don't say you didn't know it was embarrassing me if we together and you cheatin every time I blink duh that shit is embarrassing! Like are you dumb Iman!?" Aaron pushed him away and Iman started tearing up too. This was so gay.

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