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Tez^ Vote before you read so you remember❤️

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July 8th

Taylin was sitting in the doctors office next to Laylani trying to maintain his composure as he drank from his water bottle, not knowing what to say when they turned and looked at him expectantly.

"She asked if you have any weird genes? The baby is fine, it's just standard questioning."

"Autism. But that's like my g-grandmother so..." He belched quietly, feeling the liquor in his bottle burn his chest.

"Mhm." Laylani took notice of how drunk he was and kept the calm smile on her face, not having the energy to complain.

It was 1 pm and he was off of his ass already. She should've known when he called an Uber instead of driving there.

When they got home she began undressing to change and noticed how he passed out as soon as his body touched the bed.

She knew he was having a hard time but she'd never dealt with drunk people and she wouldn't start now. Her dad didn't even get drunk.

"You need to get it together." She said seriously, tapping his shoulder.

"I know."

"And stop drinking this shit."

"Okay." He moved his head to her neck and dozed off, too overwhelmed to deal with anyone besides her.

When he woke up she was gone so he figured she went out with her friends or something. Taylin wanted to call her, text her and be up under her but he knew he couldn't because she deserved time to herself and it wasn't healthy.

He wasn't obsessed with her, she just played a big part in keeping him under wraps. He easily crumbled and fell into deep despair when people around him died.

Even though he didn't have a connection with Bethany he wanted one more than anything, and her hating him made him hate himself.

Tay felt severe anxiety when he was alone. He usually preferred being by himself because he convinced himself that was better after being ignored his whole childhood.

Now that he was an adult and his mother was gone he felt consumed by loneliness despite the person he loved more than life itself supporting everything he aimed to do.

But when she was gone he was alone again, with his thoughts and no one to save him from his self destructive behavior.

He stood up and walked to their closet before pulling a box from the top shelf and sitting on the floor. It was a box of pictures from when he was younger, smiling in some and standing in the background in most.

He skimmed through them before drinking, and drinking, and drinking until he felt drunk enough to not be sad.

Instead of keeping them he threw them away and laid down, hoping to sleep his intoxication off before Laylani got home and pitied him again.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now