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Tay: ^^^^

Unedited cause.. cause I'm lazy

 cause I'm lazy

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August 3rd

Crim highschool had fucked up giving Tay and Laylani the same schedule. As seniors they didn't have but 3 classes and they were already lazy enough.

"Watch where you goin." Tay said coldly, looking down at a sophomore who wasn't paying any attention to where she walked or who she bumped into.

"S-sorry." The girl looked at him and blushed before walking off quickly, intimidated by his harsh expression.

Tay looked at her in confusion when she scrambled away. All he said was be careful.

He saw Laylani walking into their first period and tried smiling at her, getting a laugh in response. Grinning wasn't his thing. He looked uncomfortable.

"Don't do that ever again." She said seriously, not liking it one bit.

"I got an ugly smile?" He asked, moving his face around as if that would change anything.

"No. You have pretty teeth and pretty lips. But your grin is awkward when its not natural. Not even awkward but scary. Especially when you try smiling at people you don't like. Your eyes be dull but you smile anyway. That shit is scary indeed." Laylani said honestly, making him suck his teeth.

He sat down and sighed, not wanting to be in the classroom.

"This is Honors Calculus II and you all will be lea-"

Tay stopped listening immediately, putting his head on his bookbag for a quick nap.

After 20 minutes the teacher noticed Tay sleeping and called on the boy beside him to wake him up. He tapped Tay's shoulder, getting ignored multiple times. Eventually he shook it, waking the boy from his sleep. Off instinct Tay grabbed the boys wrist and looked up in confusion.

"Why are you touching me?" He asked groggily, looking around unaware.

"She told me to wake yo-"

"Okay cool." Tay shoved his hand away and put his head back down, not wanting to be bothered.

"You're not about to sleep in my class." She said sternly, knowing he was gonna be a problem.

"Watch my smoke." He mumbled, laying his head down.

"You just wanna sit in here and not learn shit like the rest of these boys?"

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now