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My man Xander so fine^^

Mature content in this thang. My smut sucks I don't know why y'all ask for it.

 My smut sucks I don't know why y'all ask for it

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November 19th

"I'm so tired." Laylani rubbed her eyes and pushed her glasses up, leaning in to make sure she wrote the right thing on the paper.

"You need to relax." Taylin walked in with Sanai in his arms, kissing her cheek as she giggled loudly.

"I hate college and I wanna drop out but I can't." She threw her head back and continued highlighting, feeling overwhelmed.

"Don't force yourself to do it all right now. You have.. 2 weeks to turn it in, slow and steady wins the race. Right Nai?" He looked down at his daughter, a big grin on his face as she bounced in his arms in excitement.

"She loves you so much it's annoying. When you were gone she wouldn't sleep until her body forced her to because you didn't say goodnight." She leaned to the side and laid her head on the side of his arm, tickling Sanai's chubby belly as she laid against his legs.

"You doing okay?" He asked sincerely, seeing the tired look on her face.

Laylani had been working her ass off and he had too, but she also wasn't dealing with her other problems. She insisted that she was fine and she was, but that wasn't enough for him.

Moni was getting dealt with regardless of what he promised her.

"Yeah of course. You sleepy Nai?" She asked, seeing her baby's eyes flutter.

"I'll take her to bed." Tay walked out and laid her down, making sure she was comfortable before leaving her in her crib.

He stood there for a few minutes and let her hold his pinky so she could doze off properly. When she slept in bed with them she rubbed his ear as she fell asleep.

When he walked back in the room and saw Laylani still doing homework and side eyed her and slid her books off of the bed.

"Stop. I have to finish." She reached for her MacBook but was too late, missing as he grabbed it and put it up in the air where it was out of her reach.

"It's two in the morning."

"Give it back and I'm not playing." Laylani reached up and poked his chest, making him bust out laughing. He wanted to take her seriously but she was so adorable.

"Relax tonight and I'll let you do what you want tomorrow." He lied, putting the laptop on the tall dresser.

"Really?" She asked, closing her eyes as he laid her down and sent a gentle kiss to her neck.

"Mhm." He kissed her neck again, moving his hands to the inside of her thighs. Taylin liked touching her, naked, clothed, half dressed, innocently, sexually, he was just touchy. Even when they were friends he was touchy.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now