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Xander is darkskin. Xander is darkskin. He's fuckin darkskin.

4646 words

December 25th

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December 25th

"Where's Jaylani?" Nasir asked, seeing her seat empty.

"She felt sick and went to bed." Laylani lied.

She was watching TV with Xander in her room and asked nobody to tell Nasir because he had a way of being invasive and childish.

"Mm. Better not be with Xander dirty ass. If any of my kids have kids any time soon I'll fuckin lose it." He shook his head of the idea and Tay just side eyed Laylani.

She felt his glare and raised her eyebrows knowing she was wrong for still not telling him. It was on her mind all day, literally. She just couldn't find it in her to tell her dad she was pregnant for some reason.

She felt like it'd make her less of his daughter if she were to be pregnant and that it'd disappoint him. The one thing she never wanted to do was disappoint him. His opinion mattered more than anyone else's to her. Yeah she was close to Naomi but she was a daddy's girl more than anything.

Even as a baby her dad was the apple of her eye, vice versa. Nasir said he didn't pick favorites with his kids and he didn't, but Laylani was his baby. He left it at that.

"I don't know why you keep babying her. She's about to move out, you know that right?" Isys said in jealousy, glaring at her dad.

"What's your problem?"

"You act like she's more important than us, it's annoying."

"Y'all gon be here for 10 more years and shit. Why wouldn't I spend time with her? You said it yourself, she's about to move out. Stop being fuckin selfish and grow up. Does anyone else feel like they're neglected?" Nasir asked knowingly, getting silence. Isys just didn't like sharing her dad and he understood that but didn't tolerate it.

Kids weren't perfect and they all had their own personalities so yes he got along with some more than the others but he loved them all equally and if he had to pull the cord on one to keep another alive you'd have to take him instead. But Isys felt like he didn't love her as much as he loved Laylani, Kambren, Kaidence, or Jaylani.

When she didn't respond and just cried silently, feeling frustrated.

"Don't cry. You have 4 other siblings and a mom. If you feel lonely go talk, being a daddies girl don't mean hate everybody else." Nasir kissed her forehead and she wiped her eyes nodding.

He tried avoiding what happened with Laylani and Jaylani. They were so used to him that when other people came around they were stuck, annoyed, or shy.

He treated them differently because that's how parenting works. When you mess up in an area with one you don't repeat that mistake with the others. Kids thought it was picking favorites but it wasn't that at all.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now