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I published then unpublished because it was too early lol. Here luv.

June 1st

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June 1st

"I need to make a friend." Laylani said under her breath as Taylin came in with bags in his hand.

"You right. Franco and some of the other boys said you could come with me and meet their wives. Old ass niggas." He sighed and stretched, enjoying the new atmosphere.

"Jesus Christ, married?"

"Yeah. I'm the youngest on the team, they all 19 and up. Everybody cool so far."

"I'll come, it's not like I have anything to do anyways." She shrugged, not being too bothered because she didn't really do anything back at home either.

"Then get up before I start getting tired too." Tay rolled over and laid his head on her stomach, talking to his daughter under his breath.

"Boy she not gon respond."

"She be hatin." He said quietly, tapping his fingers against her stomach gently, knowing she'd respond. The baby turned and he laughed at the annoyed look on Laylanis face.

"You look so good." She pointed out when he looked at her and smiled shyly, unconsciously showing the sparking bottom grills in his mouth.

His eyes were red so she knew he was high as hell. Sometimes she couldn't believe god was making niggas this fine.

"After I give birth imma get so damn high." She said in anticipation, sitting up and pulling her hair up and out of her face.

"They'll probably wanna go somewhere so don't get all shy and back out cause you came lookin clapped. That don't mean dress cute either, wear this." Tay handed her shades that covered her eyes and a hoodie that went past past her thighs.

"Boy... I'm not wearing that." She pulled her pants up her legs and he took a deep breath in, rubbing his temples.

"If you wasn't pregnant you be out the window, take that shit off."

"I look cute though..."



"What's her name?" Marlin asked with his wife Toni attatched to his hip.

"My girlfriend, lets go." He said flatly, tossing his card in Laylani's hand and placing a kiss on her forehead, sucking his teeth when she slid it back to him.

"Keep it."

"Nah, I make money so you can spend it. Do you." He pushed her towards the girls gently, laughing ad she walked slowly.

"Nah I meant her name. Like her name."

"Oh. Tays girlfriend." He said casually before walking off with Marlin and the other boys, leaving Laylani stuck and confused with 4 girls who seemed to be in a permanent daze, except for one.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now