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"You can't sit by yourself Namiko." The teacher looked at the girl who sat alone with her lunch box, staring at her blankly.

"My momma said I don't gotta talk to them people." She shrugged.

"I can't force you to interact but I'm going to encourage you to everyday. You can't be by yourself forever sweetie. Try to make friends." Ms.Camille suggested, walking away after seeing she still wasn't going to change her mind.

A group of girls came up to her after the teacher walked away and she just rolled her eyes to herself.

"If you're not on the swings can we use them? It's four of us and you're on one, and there's only one of you."

"Okay." She sat up and began walking away.

It was just a swing. She had a bigger one at home. And it didn't creak when you moved too fast.

"African Ching Chong." Jada joked, laughing as she walked away.

It was always strange to hear because she didn't even look Asian compared to her mom. Her skin was dark but her eyes weren't the almond shape her dad had. Even her moms looks we're confusing because in comparison, Naomi didn't look as Asian either.

"I'm just black. Ching Chong is rude anyways." Namiko frowned, turning around when she heard it.

"I didn't say anything."

"You called me African Ching Chong stupid."

"No I didn't stupid. And if I did so cause you burnt and you look Chinese. Now get away from the swings cause don't nobody over here like you." Jada rolled her eyes.

"I got a park at my house, I don't need to play with you. I don't care if I'm burnt because I'm pretty and you're not and you not burnt. What being burnt have to do with anything?"

"So? Don't nobody care what you got at home. You still don't got no friends."

"But I have a family and you don't so I don't care."

"Yo daddy don't even be home. It don't matter if I got a family if your-"

"Don't talk about my daddy. Bitch I'd punch you but he told me I can't do that no more."

Namiko took her shoe off and threw it at Jada's face, running up and dragging her off of the swing.

"Jada get up!" Kasey stood up and watched them fight, wanting her friend to win just a little before the teachers came and broke it up. She continued dragging her across the wood chips when Ms.Camille tried pulling her off of the girl.

"Namiko! Enough! I'm gonna call your dad and he's gonna be very disappointed!"

"I don't care!" She rolled her eyes, letting the girl go despite what she said.

"Come sit down. Right now."

"No imma stand right here because I don't like you or this stupid school so call my daddy so he can come get me! Call him!" Namiko stood with her arms folded up and the assistant teacher pulled Jada away and to the nurse.


"Nami stop!" Samaj pushed her off of his bed when she began swinging on him wildly, making her let out a loud dramatic scream.

"Uncle!" She jumped back up onto the bed, hitting him in his face as she heard the door open.

"What the fuck- why are ya- ok." Xander just walked over to them and tried pulling them apart but she would let his hair go.

"Let me go!"

"Bitch." She pulled it harder.

"Why do y'all do this?" He frowned, pulling her fingers off of his hair one by one because she wouldn't let her entire fist loose.

"Because he pissing me off! I told him to stop messin with my iPad and he broked it! Look at that!" She let him go and picked it up off of the floor, shoving it in her her uncles face.

"I'll tell Iman to get you another one. He at the Apple store, just stop beating your brother up. It's not nice."

"It's funny though."

"It is. But you gotta stop." He sighed.

"Hm!" Semaj pushed her and snatched her iPad again, throwing it across the room. Instead of swinging on him again she took a deep breath and screamed loudly, crying and turning around to grab him by his hair.


Laylani watched Namiko laugh and smile while she sat in Taylin's lap, telling him about her day. After a day of being an literal demon she'd

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