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What some of y'all been waiting for

Virginity : 2/2

Virginity : 2/2

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June 21st

"How long he been laying there?" Naomi asked as she stood there with Laylani who was holding a crying Namiko.

"Yesterday morning. He won't get up." She turned the light on but he didn't move and continued blankly staring at the window in front of him.

"Taylin." Naomi walked over to him and pushed his hair out of his face as he laid on his side in exhaustion.

His hair covered his face as the fan blew it back into its original place and she moved it away again, touching his cold cheek.

"MiMi?" He asked quietly, turning to face Naomi as she rubbed circles on his cheek with her thumb.


"I'm tired."

"I know, that's okay. You gotta get up though."

Taylin nodded slowly, long lashes fluttering as she comforted him. He loved her hands. She was the only mother he'd ever known, always being there to pull him up when Bethany succeeded in dragging him down.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked sincerely and he nodded slowly as his hair shadowed over his eyes.

"Yesterday makes it a year. She left 366 days ago and it hurts. I don't know why but it hurts. She was supposed to love me and she didn't." He said as a tear fell, eyes still stuck on the window in front of him.

"Don't let that haunt you. You're good enough, she wasn't and that's why she didn't treat you right. You're surrounded by people that love you Ahmir don't forget."

"But I wanted her to love me."

"She didn't. She didn't care about anyone but herself and that's not your fault. Get up and pull yourself together boy." Naomi said softly before tapping his shoulder that peaked from the sheet.

"Here." Laylani handed Sanai to her mom as the woman got up and walked out.

"I'm taking my grand baby with me." She said quickly before closing the room door.

"Taylin." Laylani held onto his arm when he got up slowly and attempted to head to the bathroom.

"I look like shit." He ignored her and continued to the bathroom as she followed behind him knowing he'd avoid talking to her about it.

"Stop ignoring me Ahmir." Taylin stopped with his hand on the shower handle and turned to face her slowly.

"What do you want me to say? That I have no self control and spiral at minor inconveniences? And that my mental illness affects everyone around me despite my efforts to keep it under wraps? No grown ass man wants to talk about being a bipolar crybaby that makes everyone around him miserable." He retorted before stepping out of his clothes and into the water.

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