Unlimited pride

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Peter's POV

"Baby boy!" I whipped around to see my boyfriend; Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool come running up to me on the roof. My eye shutter narrowed but quickly widen when I saw that his left arm was missing.

"Babe? What happened to your arm?" I asked, worried all over my face.

"You don't have to worry about anything, baby boy. I just stopped a mugger but he happened to have a knife. No biggie." He answered with a shrug. "By the way, I heard that there is a fieldtrip at the Avengers Compound. Wanna go rain over their parade?"

"Definitely." I grinned evilly as I took of my mask and gave my boyfriend a sloppy kiss.

/Avengers Compound/

"Now, on this floor, it is dedicated to Spiderman and his boyfriend, Deadpool. If you're lucky, you might get to see the real them today." The tour group beamed all around. "But they usually come on weekends though." The smile fell of all their faces. Ms. Diana Prince dismissed the sudden sadness and continued to explain about Deadpool's powers and Spiderman's abilities.

"MJ! Peter is so fucked up if he comes here right now. Imagine his face if he sees us looking at the Spiderman exhibition. Hahaha" Ned whispered-yell and chucked quietly while walking around until he got to the Spiderman onsie.

"Loser #1 sure has good sewing skills!" MJ sarcastically whispered while waving her arm above her head.

Just then, the Spiderman and Deadpool statue started moving giving the tour group a fright.

"Hello, kids! As you can see, we are the REAL Deadpool and Spiderman. Not actors. I will even cut my finger to prove my point!" Wade said before he actually cuts his middle finger off.

"Babe! Why did you do that~" I whined like a kid.

"So, I can do this..." He put his hand without the middle finger into a fist and you can see the finger slowly growing back... until he was holding up his middle finger for the world to see.

"D-De-Deadpool sir! This is a group of children! Your action is highly inappropriate!" Mr. Jordan, the accompanying teacher cried out desperately.

"Come on babe. Let's go. I don't want to get embarrassed by you again." I tugged on hid mask and drags him out of the room.

/Living Quarters at Avengers Compound/

"Hey Dad! We're holding a press conference about me being your son and Spiderman, right?" I asked Dad who was drinking his fifth cup of coffee.

"Yep. Anything else you want to say, kiddo?" He looked up from the delicious coffee he was drinking.

"About that... you see... um... I'm not straight like a ruler, more like a protractor... cause I'm gay?" My voice was filled with nervousness and I think Dad knew.

"Okay." Was his only reply until he finished his cup. "There's going to be a press conference on the new Stark phone that is going to be released next week. It's going before the tour's Q&A so you can tell it then"

"Okay, Dad. Love you!" I quickly answered back before swinging out of the room.

~Around 14.25~

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., when is the press conference with the Q&A?" I asked as I swing to the conference room.

"It is starting in 10 minutes, Mini Boss. I suggest you go there now, or you will be late." Came F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s robotic voice with a hint of amusement.

"Thanks F.R.I., you're a life saver!" I whispered as I entered the room. My Spiderman nanotech suit retracted into my Stark watch and I position myself next to Dad and Mom while quickly adjusting my tie.

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