Unrequited love

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Peter's POV

This is the story of my pathetic love life...

I'm 11 and I never had a single crush or lover before. Unlike all my other friends who already has girlfriends and boyfriends.

But there was this certain guy... that takes my breath away. His name is Wade. Wade Watts. Oh sorry, my bad. That's from Ready Player One and is not even a Marvel film. His name is actually Wade Wilson.

He's the most handsome boy in my eyes. That face...the scars only made him look more manly. Oh so sexy.

He's got girls and boys alike, lining up for him.

But there's nothing I could do. He already has a girlfriend, Vanessa. She's pretty, I must admit. But she stole my man!

Well, life can do you any worse than that. I admit my defeat. He moved schools so I probably won't see him ever again.

It's been almost four years and yet, I'm still hung up on him. Now I'm 14 almost 15 and I'm going to tell you how it all started...

Back then, I had a playgirl friend. Her name is Mary Jane and when she was ten, she already had 8 boyfriends. She's one of the people who starts all the drama.

So I was talking with three of my friends while one was ignoring us and talking to the other one, walking ahead of me and Mary Jane.

I knew that I liked Wade, so i just had to get it out.

"Hey, Mary Jane. I have something to tell you but you must promise me that you won't tell anyone. Okay?" She nodded in response.

"You know Wade Wilson in our class, right? Yeah... ithinkimighthaveacrushonhim."

"Woah. Pete. Slow down. What did you say?" She asked me with curious eyes.

I heaved a sigh before repeating what I said earlier. " I think I might have a crush on Wade Wilson." I closed my eyes from fear of seeing a dissapointed look.

I slowly open my eyes to reveal a grinning Mary Jane. I was about to say something but she cut me off with her high pitch squeal and ran up the stairs, passing Gwen and Felicia. They gave me questioning looks which I just returned a shrug.

Then, I saw Mary Jane walking back to the two ahead of me and i could see the girls all jumping around excitedly.

Then they ran away. Probably to gossip in the toilet.

Being the lazy ass I am, i slowly walked up the stairs. Waiting for my terrible secret to be let loose.

A few moments later, three girls come running out if the bathroom with red faces.

"Hey, Peterrrrrr. A little birdy told me that you have a crush on Wade Wilsonnnn. Is that true?" Felicia ask me with a winning Cheshire grin.

"Yes" I sighed.

Then i shot a death glare at Mary Jane.

"I thought I told you not to tell anyone!"

"Sorry, Pete. But it's such a good news! So sorry not sorry." And with that, the three of them ran away to our next class.

~After school~

Here comes Harley, the gossiper of the group. What can he possible want now.

"Hey, Peter! I heard you like someone. So who's your first love?"

I know that he is a gossiper but I really want to tell them. Show them that I have emotions too. "It's someone in this room. He shares a lot of features with me. For example he has super powers. I think that's enough" I quickly covered my mouth. The only superpowered people in here is Wade and I. I'm screwed.

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