Agent (pt. 3)

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A/N: Per request of Wonder2143 I wrote an extra part for this story.

Peter's POV

"Peter dear, I know you love your school since Harry is there,but they only teach you about fighting, which you are already a pro at it. And now that they know your identity, they're treating you differently. They're bullying you more since they know you wouldn't hurt them. I think you should go to a new environment. Maybe a science school instead, since you're such a wiz." My Mom, or Natasha fucking Romanoff said.

"But Mom..." I whined slightly which is so unprofessional for an assassin.

"No buts, Petey. This for your own good."

The attack just happened. That was bad. Now Mom is pulling me out of military school on the same day? Now this is worst.

"Uncle Fury found a school in New York near the Avengers Tower so it'll be close to me and Uncle Clint. Now you can see us everyday. That's a good thing, right?"

"Yes Mama. It really is. So what's the school name?" I asked, getting a bit more excited.

"Midtown High. A school of science. You'll love it there." She said and gave me a kiss.

Nearing the end of the school year

The school is actually not that bad.

I met a boy named Ned and we became the bestest of friends. He knows I'm Spiderman but he doesn't know about my past. I just use a cover story of how my parents died in a plane crash, my uncle shot in front of my eyes and my aunt in a fire.

I met a girl beautiful and sweet (not likely) named MJ and now we're dating. She knows as much as Ned but I suspect she knows more.

But then there's Toby and Andrew who likes to pick on me and my friends. Since the day I first came yo this school, I acted like I was a scrawny teenager who can't fight. I guess they like picking on little guys. They bully me but I just let them. Because I can take it. I heal faster. Others can't.

But despite those two pests, school has been awesome. My identity has not been revealed since, duh, I'm a professional spy and assassin.

That was the case, until there was an attack on my school.

But not just any attack.

But an attack, by HYDRA.

They came to take me back, I can tell.

This is how it all started.

I was just chilling in chemistry class when the alarm went off.

"Intruder alert. Lockdown mode. Please remain calm."

We knew what to do. We locked the door and hid against the wall. We were supposed to be safe.

"Hello, Midtown High. We are from HYDRA, and we are looking for our soldier, Peter Parker. POH616. Come out Peter, or we are forced to pull you out."

The now identified intruder known as HYDRA said, everyone in my classroom turned to look at me in fear.

"What did you do now, Penis?!" Toby whispered yelled at me.

"Blood Spyder, report!"

I tensed up immediately.


Shit. They were saying the brainwashing words. I signed this to Ned who was sitting there in shock but got what I meant.


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