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Peter's POV

"Hi. I'm Peter Parker Romanoff Barnes. I'm a product of the system. A catastrophe. Yet a masterpiece. Yet I'm half disease. And when I am deceased. At least I go down to the grave and die happily, leave the body and the soul to be a part of thee. I do what it takes.

That's just a 'short' way of describing who I am.

I was the product of the Red Room and HYDRA. They made Mother, the Black Widow and Father, the Winter Soldier do it since they think that the combined DNA of the two would make a great assassin. And they're not wrong. And here I am.

But they also experimented on me. I got bitten by a radioactive Spider in one of the labs. It gave me Spider powers. It was the best and the worst thing to ever happen to me. The agents would choose me on many missions but they would stay away from me most of the time since I'm not human.

Sometimes fighting and using violence all together gets tiring. Sometimes, I can die in this moment, and I'll be forever young!

But whatever it takes, I will still keep going. Putting all my effort in escaping from this shithole called HYDRA.

Mother and Father found me when I escaped from HYDRA during a mission. I snuck out after killing the cameras who were recording us, and also killing my team, so no one reports back to the base.

Here's a little secret. HYDRA Brain-washing and Spider powers doesn't go together. It just doesn't work on me. I pretend to be following their orders but actually, I know exactly what I'm doing. I don't like killing, but if that's what it takes for me to get out, then so be it.

Now that you know who I am, let's get this story started!

"Alright, ya little cunts! We have a self-defense instructor today! Get your shit together! Rock paper scissors with your partner. Looser takes off their shirt! No getting out of this one, Parker!" Mr. Guy Gardner, the very rude gym coach shouted and everyone sniggers at me.

I heave a long ass sigh, mentally, of course.

Ned and I paired up while MJ paired with some random girl. We did the rock paper scissors shoot thingy and I loss.

There's no getting out of this one. I can't ask Ned for him to be the one shirtless since Mr. Gardner is watching me intensely. Not even bothering to hide it.

"Parker! Get that sweater and gloves off! It's like 30°C out here!" He shouted with a smirk.

Then Flash opened his mouth and shouted to the entire class, including the guest instructors that recently came in. "Bet Penis wears those baggy clothes to hide how scrawny he is!" Then the whole class laughed at me except Ned and MJ> Even Mr. Gardner laughed.

That was it.

The last straw.


Out of anger, I accidentally ripped my sweater off.

Everyone gasps. Even the instructors and Ned. MJ is probably mentally gasping but her face shows a bored expression. People were staring at me, probably from the fact that I ripped my sweater with my BARE HANDS. Or maybe because I have scars littered across my body, with one big, black scar that read, 'POH-616'. Or it might be due to the fact that I have a metal arm with the star of the Winter Soldier... or maybe all of the above!


But after all the joking, I am still mad. Like seriously mad. Mad like I can kill someone mad. Yeah, that type of mad. Or is there only one type of mad?

Well, anyway. I snapped.

"Look, Flash. I have had ENOUGH! I've gone through so much that this is like having a paper cut, compared to you. My Mother is Black Widow and my Father is the Winter Soldier. I'm just a product of the system! HYDRA wanted the skilled soldiers of their skills combined! That's me! They took me from my family and killed my Uncle to make me focus! They tortured me! Worse than you could ever do. This wound? Stab wound. That wound? Gunshot wound. These wounds? Burnt marks. They experimented on me till I was the best assassin! They gave me freakish Spider powers for God sake! But with great power, comes great responsibility. I broke out of there, to help people every day. I risk my life to help those people that I don't even know! But if that's what it takes to make the world a better place, even just a little. Then so be it. I come to school to live a 'normal' life, which isn't even in my vocabulary. I don't even have to be here! I could've graduated 5 years ago! And what I get is this. A stupid jerk tormenting me and bullying me every day. I take the punches even if I can kill you with a single punch, check I can kill you with a pencil! But I don't. You may be a jerk, Eugene, but you still don't deserve to die. I still rake the bullying because I can. Others can't. They don't heal as fast as I do. Your words don't hurt me like it hurt others. Because, I've been through worse. Cause when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." Then I looked at Flash's pale face even more intently. "But now, I'm reconsidering that whole thing about not killing you."

Flash's face pales even further once I started to walk towards him. People try to block my way, but with my enhanced strength, I push them away with ease. I hoped onto the ceiling to avoid harming more people with my pushes, then I drop directly in front of Flash.

I tune every other noise out except for my breathing and his. I advance more and the boy walks back until he hits the wall behind him.

Right now, I'm full blown Winter Soldier mode. But I didn't care. My target's a sitting duck. He looks like one too, no offense to anyone it might concern.

I grab out a knife I hid between my thighs and push it against his throat in a neck lock position.

Gasps could be heard everywhere but for me, it's just a buzz.

"Anything you like to say before I execute you?" I said with my soldier voice.

I knew he couldn't talk so I chuckled menacingly.

I was about to push the knife further but I heard a familiar voice calling for...Peter?

Who is Peter? I am the Red Spyder! And no one defies me!

Bucky's POV

Thank God Ned called! If we arrived a bit later than this, Peter would've committed murder already!

"Nat, he's in Winter mode! He doesn't know who 'Peter' is! The only way to take him down is to severely injure him or find his shut down code." I said and look towards the Mama Spider. "You keep him distracted, only hurt him physically when needed. I'll try to find the right word. You know I haven't heard it in a while."

Nat nods and dashes towards Pete. She got out he blunt knife and starts to talk to Peter.

While I rack my brain to find the key words to stop my son.

I searched for the information from the time I was the Winter Soldier, a deadly assassin. Those painful memories but if that's what it takes to stop him from doing something he'll regret, then I'll do it!

Finally, I got the answer.

I looked over to see Peter pinning Nat on the ground with a knife against her throat.

"Red Spyder! You may rest now. You accomplished your mission. It's time to sleep." I said in an authoritative tone and he stops right away.

He looks confuse for a second before dropping the knife from his hands. He looks at everything in disbelieve before whispering to Nat, but I heard it due to super hearing, "I'm sorry" before he passes out.

Well, that went more or less the way I expected it to.

I threaten everyone in the room to secrecy and also dragged Tony's lawyers into this the way he would.

At least we can solve a problem at a time...

A/N: Thank you for reading this story. Sorry for not updating in a while. I will consider tis chapter as a reward for myself for surviving the first week of high school!

-1 September, 2019

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