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Peter's POV

Great. Just great. My class has a fieldtrip to some foreign country that has really cool tech. I really want to go there! But unfortunately, I have a mission in Wakanda that needs the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Not that I am complaining! I love going out as Spiderman. But I also want to live like a normal teenager. Well, maybe next time.

3rd Person POV

~Earlier that day~


"Thank you, Captain, for coming. There's a big ugly green monkey outside our city dome. It has been trying to get in earlier. It also took down most of our warriors after it broke into our city. Shuri is trying to track it down but we do not know how to take it down. We will inform you once we locate the monkey." King T'Challa said to Captain America who was looking straight ahead.

"I'll get the Avengers here. Since it managed to come inside by itself. It must be pretty powerful." Captain America said with a sigh. We then turned on the comms and said in a very dramatic voice, "Avengers, Assemble!"

/Avengers Tower/

"Avengers, Assemble!" And at that, the heroes start scurrying around getting their uniform and weapons ready.

Peter with his super hearing caught the wind of this and asked to be excused out of class t meet with the team and went to change into his red and blue spandex.

He swung his way to the tower just in time as the Earth Mightiest heroes were ready to board the plane.

"What's the big situation?" Hawkeye asked once everyone was present in Wakanda.

"T'Challa said it was a big ugly green monkey trying to get into the city. Well, it already got into the city. Our guess is that it wants Wakandian tech. Mission is to protect the tech and the people at all cost. The rest will fight the monster." Steve paused and looked around to see who was ready to fight the monster. "Professor Hulk, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, protect the tech. Falcon, War Machine, Vision, Ironman, Spiderman, protect the people. The rest, fighting the monster with me. Avengers, disperse!"

Each hero went their separate ways. The five heroes who were assigned to protect the people went separate ways. One on the North side, the other on the East side, another on the South side, one more on the West side and another one in the center of the city. Each hero asked the civilian to gather in one specific spot so that it is easier to protect them.

The three that was assigned to protect the tech went to each major tech storage. Quicksilver in the castle where the majority of the tech was, Hawkeye on the edge of the city where Spiderman was on the North. And Professor Hulk was at Vibranium mine near Ironman who was positioned on the West.

"Guys, I have found the monster that is attacking us. It is on the East, near Spiderman and War Machine. Send location and visual... now." Shuri announced through the comms and everyone instantly checked their Stark Watch.

When Peter saw what the monster looked like, he was shocked. Because on the holo-screen, was his best friend, Harry Osbourn, AKA the Goblin. "G-guys. I know who he is. He's Harry Osbourn or the Green Goblin. Be very careful. He is very dangerous and who not hesitate to kill anyone. So, promise me you won't get yourself killed." He was sobbing quietly while remembering his ex-friend.

"Don't worry about us, Pete. We got this. Easy peasy. He can't do much harm. Just focus on keeping the civilians safe, Pete. Captain America out."

"O-okay. Spiderman out."

Peter was pacing back and forth, not able to keep his emotions in check. The people he was supposed to be protecting were looking at him weird.

That was, until he heard a loud cracking noise where the fight was supposed to happen. He looked over to what seems to be a building about to collapse on a group of children and an adult. He definitely did not hesitate to swing over there and stop it from crushing the group. The building was extremely heavy and it took all his strength to keep it up until everyone was out from underneath the building before it collapse. Well, everybody except Peter.

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