The gang at S.I.

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Peter's POV

We were heading to Stark Industries as usual. And by "we", I meant MJ, Ned and I. We all have internships at S.I. and it's a real honour. They don't usually accept high schoolers but here we are! Isn't it amazing?

It was just like any other day...we would head over to S.I. after our decathlon practise and get to work.







We just started our internship 2 months ago and the other interns were warming up to us.

Today, the higher ups were in a meeting discussing some future plans for the launch of the new edition of Stark Phone

So with them in the meeting, we were free to do whatever we want.

I mean that would've been the case if some nutjob didn't come in here and disturb the calm atmosphere!

It all started when the intruder alert's red light started blaring 10 minutes after we all got settled down. People were running around, panicking.

Thr three of us shared a look and got started. It was a big, big world but we thought we were bigger. Pushing each other to the limits we were learning quicker.

3rd Person POV

MJ started to run around to the groups that were panicking in the far end of the room and her inner Boss Bitch started to shine.

"You, you, you and you." She pointed at four men who were running around. Said people stopped immediately. "Gear up with those vests and secure the perimeter. Make sure that people are hiding properly. We can't afford to get anyone injured. Come on, I'll cover for you." MJ said.

Wander why they did as MJ said? Its It's because she's oozing with confidence and her voice was full of determination. Her face showed a brave face that would make any soldier ashamed. They would be blind not to follow her.

The two boys handed the five some body armour and freeze rays that they developed in a span of a few minutes.

"Thanks losers." And they were gone.

Two nerds, playing with dangerous tech while the intruders were running around. Well, they weren't exactly playing, they were just modifying some Spider themed stuff and hacking one of the most intelligent AIs in the world. Yeah, just "playing".

"Override code: GitC001" Ned barked at the hologram he and Peter created.

"Welcome, Guy in the Chair." Came the robotic Irish voice.

Ned and Peter shared a look and nodded at the same time. They knew what they were doing.

Just then, MJ came busting in with the four other men.

"Everbody is safe. Just us left. Peter? You coming with me or what?" And she motioned to Peter's web shooters.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." But Peter has this tingling sensation. His Spidey Sense keeps on telling him that there's someone watching. But right now, he decided, there are more important things to deal with than trying to protect his secret identity.

With that said and done, he doubled tapped his modified Spider watch and the nanotech started to cover his body. The glowing blue spider on his chest. White eye slits narrowed down. "Yeah I'm ready."

Ned sat on a swivel chair and slid to a clear table and activated more of his holograms. Tapping fu4iously on the transparent keyboard.

"Hello Ned."

"Hi, Karen."

Several gunshots were heard down the hall and the gawking people inside the room turned a shad palmer out of fear.

Ned threw MJ a "normal" watch and she put it on without any hesitation.

Peter and MJ carefully made their way out of the room, sticking literally and metaphorically to the wall until they found the intruders.

The vigilante slipped into a room, hiding from the enemies so he wouldn't scare them and resulting in them making rash decisions... like killing someone, for instant.

MJ walked confidently towards the men in black. Why does it always have to be men in black? Can't it be men in pink? Whatever. "What do you want by coming here, may I ask?" She asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

The guy in the front who we suppose is the leader, turned to look at his men behind him. They nodded.

"Give us Tony Stark, and everyone's safe. He must show up in 5 minutes or else." The dude sneered.

"Or else what?" Peter questioned and stepped out from the shadows.

The leader dude gasped and pulled MJ into a head lock. "Or else this little chick dies..." he said and cocked his gun and positioned it on her temple.

Peter's comms chirped quietly, enough for him to hear but no one else. "Hey Spidey. The Avengers are currently in Sokovia. ETA 22 minutes and 7 seconds. So you're on your own for now, buddy."

Peter didn't say anything.

I mean if he did, it would raise suspicions and the leader dude would panicking and might end up killing MJ, right?

So yeah, he stayed quiet.

Peter looked at MJ with narrowed eyes and then, all hell broke loose.

MJ tapped her watch the same way Peter did with his Spider watch and a ray gun formed around her hands. She set it to the stun gun mode and stunned her captive.

The duo began to fight the nine other men who stood in the bowling pin formation.







The men all unconscious and webbed up in a cosy caccoon.

All but one.

Said dude (who is not the leader dude) grabbed the knife he had between his thighs and threw it at Peter.

His Spider Sense was too slow.

A silent scream of pain was heard as the blade slid passed his left shoulder blade. Using his right hand, he shot a web st that dude and now, all 10 men were wrapped up and ready to be delivered.

MJ quickly ran to Peter and changed the setting on the ray gun to a good old fashioned freeze ray. She shot it at Peter's injured shoulder and earned herself a loud hiss from Peter. But it was either that or getting the wound infected sooner or later. The two then made their way back up to the Central Processing Unit called Ned.

The CPU called the police.

Suddenly, FRIDAY projected a hologram infront of the trio, revealing Mr. Stark sitting on a Lazy Boy chair with the Avengers in the background.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Parker, Mr. Leeds and Miss Jones. I pulled out the footage the moment I saw the intruder alert and I am very pleased at how efficiently and maturely you three handled the situation. And may I add that I am very surprised to find out that the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman is a teenager in high school. But I must say that I am truly impressed at how your tech works, Mr. Parker and how you managed to hack my AI, Mr. Leeds. And Miss Jones, Pepper would also like to say that she is thoroughly you handled things and the confidence you show. That is why I would like to offer you to be our personal interns. Mr. Parker and Mr. Leeds as mine for your amazing engineering and hacking skills and Miss Jones as Pepper's personal intern. The Avengers also insists that Mr. Parker trained with them for better practise. That would be all. Thank you and we will meet you guys shortly after. Good day."

When the hologram shuts down, the boys were jumping up and down excitedly while MJ had a ghost of a smile plastered on her face.

What can I say?

Life is good...

-29 October, 2019

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