Saving the universe (pt. 2)

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3rd POV

~One week later~

"Yo, Fathead! Where's your friend, Penis Parker? He's been missing school for a week already! Got in trouble with his Stark Internship?" The one and only bully of Midtown High taunted the poor guy in the chair.

Tears welled up in Ned's eye as the memory of his friend who sacrificed himself so the universe can continue living. He sacrificed himself so the people could live. And this ungrateful bitch is insulting him.

He had heard the news from Tony Stark himself and he ran into MJ who somehow found out and told her the news. MJ loved Peter dearly and that was the only time she broke her only rule. NEVER CRY. But she did. She cried so hard there was a puddle on the ground. Their life would never be the same. Not that it was normal or anything, but losing the little ball of sunshine, was something else. He stuck up for the little guys and helped the big guys. The kind hearted boy who saved the whole universe.

Flash bullying Peter was unacceptable. And that was the last straw for Ned.

"You know what, Flash! Just wait till Friday when we have a fieldtrip at SI! We'll see who you are actually talking about!" Ned yelled. Voice filled with anger.

Oh. Did I forget to tell you that Midtown has a fieldtrip to Stark Industries?! Well now you know. Tony wanted to tell the world that the person who saved the whole universe was their classmate, who from what Ned said, got bullied verbally and physically. He felt bad for Peter's sacrifice that he decided to tell the class, before telling the world. And maybe, the universe. But, just maybe...

~Friday (q and a)~
/Stark Towers/

Everybody who fought in infinity war was grateful for what their baby spider has done for them. They were sooooo grateful they all decided to show up at today's q and a and press conference.

Clint Barton picked first.

"Yo! Boy with blond hair, thick glasses! You're up!"

The said boy put down his hand and stood up.

"Is Spiderman here?" He asked.

"Umm...." Tears formed in everyone's eyes. "Sorry about that. But he died saving the universe against the mad titan, Thanos in Infinity War. He sacrificed himself so we could live."

And at that, the class started tearing up as well. In remembrance of their hero, Spiderman.

After everyone dried their tears, they continued the Q and A.

Sam Wilson went next.

"Girl with red hair. Yes, you at the back."

"Okay. So you mention that Spiderman died in Infinity War, but what is that? We all know what Civil War was, but again, what is this?"

The class nods in agreement.

"Infinity war was the name given to the war in which Thanos collects all the infinity stones. And with all six infinity stones, you can do practically anything. Thanos decided to wipe out half of the universe so there will be enough food and shelter for everyone. But like Hawkeye said before. Spiderman saved the universe by killing Thanos, breaking his only rule, NO KILLING. We are all very grateful of him. Now he's up there, with the rest of his family..."

"Oh, Spiderman" and "What a great guy" rang through the crowd of teenagers.

Being the awesome person he is, Tony Stark went next.

"Dark skin boy with that wide grin over there. What do you want to know about infinity war?"

"Actually, Mr. Stark," Began Flash, "I wanted to know if you have any High School interns, cause Penis Parker claims that he has one here. And everybody knows he's only doing this for attention! Just wanted to hear it from you, sir. And maybe I can intern for you since I'm a wayyyy better option than Parker!" Flash ended with a triumphant smirk.

By this time, everyone is fuming mad. How can someone think of their little nephew/brother like that?! Is the question in everybody's mind. If it was a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of their noses and ears.

Natasha fucking Romanoff decided to break the silence.

"What's your name, boy?" She asked with a glare.

"E-Eugene "Flash" Thompson, ma'am!'

"Okay, Eugene, since you seem like you really want an answer, then I think we should cut right to the press conference. You will get your answer there. Let's go, group!"

And with that, they marched right out of the auditorium and into the press conference room.

/ Press conference room/

And being the heroic person he is, Captain Steve Rogers, the Captain fucking America, he started the press conference.

"Good afternoon, everybody. We have an identity reveal of a superhero that saved the universe a week ago, but is unfortunately no longer with us."




"Spiderman. He saved us all. He killed Thanos who would have been the doom of the entire universe." King T'Challa continued.

They retold the story of how Spiderman saved each and every one of them, from the camera in Spiderman's suit. (A/N: Basically, the previous chapter.)

When they finished, everybody was crying for their hero, the one and only, the Ultimate Spiderman!

Carol Danvers decided to begin the reveal. "So I guess you would probably want to know the person under the mask who saved us. I'll give you a hint: He's a ball of sunshine."

Each hero inserted their comment.

"Most caring"

"Most kind"

"Most cute"

"Most honest"

"Most trustworthy"

"Worthy of the Asgardian throne"

"Most loving"

"Most friendly"

"Most noble warrior"

"Most funny"

And many more. It ended with Tony Stark himself, revealing the secret. " His name, was Peter Parker."

A huge silence entered the room.

The class was shocked. Their classmate, the nerd, the awkward one, Peter. He was Spiderman. He saved them countless of times. He saved the universe, for God sake! Yet they treat him badly. Flash bullied him. At the thought of that, they all turned to Flash who was a shade of white that they have never seen before. Like he saw a ghost.

And that was how the world learned of Spiderman's identity. A schoolboy with powers who saved the universe.

A/N: Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it! While waiting for me to write another one, why don't you check out my other books! And if you want to comment, please do so in Thai or English cause my lazy ass doesn't want to go and Google translate it. But, yeah... thanks again!

-5th July, 2019

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