Tour guide

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Peter's POV

"Peter! Get out of the way! There's a gun pointed at you. Move!" Ms. Kyle shouted at me.

So how did all this happen, you ask? Well, let me show you.


"Selina, don't forget to tell the class they have a fieldtrip and make sure they sign the permission slip." Well, I wasn't supposed to hear that but you know, super hearing and all that. Ms. Kyle was talking on the phone with one of the teachers, probably. And it looks like I will have a fieldtrip.

"Class, it's almost the end of the school year so you know what that means... end of year trip! The location will remain a secret for now, but we leave school tomorrow and you won't be coming with us if your guardian doesn't sign it. It's an all-day trip so no books tomorrow! Now get out of my class! Permission slip at the front desk. Have a good day, guys!" Ms. Kyle announced to the class but I won't be going anyway so I don't really care. It's the only day I will be able to spend time with Mr. Stark before he goes to the UN to clear some stuff.

"Bye Ms. Kyle!"

"Bye, kids."

"Uhm... Ms. Kyle?"

"Yes, Mr. Parker?"

"Well, I won't be coming to school and Aunt May already sent the email so I guess I'll be missing out on this trip." I explain to her while wearing a frown.

"Well, that's too bad. Guess you won't be coming with us. It's a shame, really. It would be an amazing experience for you." Ms. Kyle sneered to my face and walked away. I don't even know why she doesn't like me. I never did anything to her. All I do is correct some stuff she said cause it's not true. Just looking out for my fellow peers.

I walked out and was about to go to Uncle Happy's car when Flash pushed me against the wall and punch me in the back. "That's too bad, Penis. At least there won't be anyone to annoy me at the trip. Ha! Why don't you go crying to your mom? Oh wait! You don't have one!" Flash walked away after punching me in the eye one last time.

When I got to the car, Happy was standing next to the door with a brow raised.

"Tripped on my shoelace and fell onto a water dispenser. Nothing much. It'll heal in a couple of hours."

"Alright kid. Get in."

/Stark Tower/

"Hey, Kid! How was school? WHY DO YOU HAVE A BLACK EYE?!" That was first thing I heard when I entered the living room.

"Hey, Dad! School was great, although I will miss this fieldtrip to somewhere cause I'm gonna spend the whole day with you! Oh, and this black eye? I tripped on my shoelace and fell on a water dispenser. No need to worry. It'll heal." I told the exact same thing to Dad as I said to Uncle Hap.

"If you say so..."

We worked the whole day and I stayed the night there.

~The Next Day~

"Oh my God! Where is all the Interns?!"

"Hey, Dinah! Whatcha doin'?"

"Oh my God! Peter! I have an assignment to hand in 1 hour, a tour group I have to lead and a project for Dr. Banner that I have to hand in within lunch time. There is just so many things I have to do. I wish someone else can lead the tour but there's no Intern in today!" Dinah explained or more like rant to me so I did what anyone would do.

"Hey, I can lead the tour for you. I was supposed to spend the day with Mr. Stark but he's in a meeting."

"You would? Thank you so much! They're already waiting at the reception. Thank you again, Peter. You're a life saver!" Dinah was practically kneeling by this time.

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