Sleepy ass

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3rd Person POV

"Class! I have a surprise for you all so you better listen." By this time, all eyes are on Mr. Arthur Curry, the homeroom teacher for the grade 11 students. "We have a fieldtrip to a top science facility. But where it is will remain a surprise. But don't forget to pack your things because we are staying overnight! Meet here tomorrow, which is Saturday around 8 o'clock, sharp. The bus waits for no one! And I'm looking at you, Mr. Parker..."

When Mr. Curry finished, the class erupts into cheers and laughter, the noise was so loud but nobody saw Peter Parker flinch at the sound except his two best friends, Ned and MJ.

"Please take the permission slip and get your parents are guardian to sign it. Don't forget to return it tomorrow or you won't be going to the trip! And most importantly, don't forget to bring your bag for the overnight stay tomorrow! Now scram! Get packing already. Class dismissed!"

/Outside the classroom/

"Dude! We get to go on a super cool fieldtrip to a science facility! How awesome is that!" Ned was vibrating just at the thought of that.

"It would've been super cool if I got to go but I need to help Mr. Stark with something for the weekend. Something about upgrading the suit for the next battle if there is one. Sorry Ned but you will just have to go on the trip with MJ alone. Sorry buddy." Peter said while hanging his head low. "But we can definitely hang till you need to go home! I bought my car with me. MJ, you come too!"

"Get in losers, we're going shopping." MJ finished and walked towards my car in the alley way.

The two boys stared at each other with side eyes.

"Did she just-"

"Yeah dude. She just made a movie reference."

Peter and Ned was frozen on their feet, completely stunned by the reference.

"Mean girls!" They snickered at the same time.

But only a second later did the two started to jump around giggling and fanboying, until MJ called them to get in the car.

(A/N: thanks for the idea LunaLovegood645 and amy_reads_)

The two best friends ran after MJ while Peter told his AI, Karen to bring his car to the alley.

The two best friends ran after MJ while Peter told his AI, Karen to bring his car to the alley

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Once the black and blue Lamborghini Aventador arrived, everyone hopped on.

~After everyone left~
"Hey, Mr. Stark. Let's get nuts on your suit. Then after we finish, I'm going to help improve the Widow bites and Uncle Clint's arrows. Is it okay with you?" Peter asked, nervousness clearly in his voice.

"Sure kid. You can do anything you want and nobody's gonna stop you." Tony answered back, still busy drinking coffee for the late night stay.

Later that day, the two science bros finished at 2 in the morning and decided to go to sleep. Before Tony laid on his bed to sleep, he texted an email to Mr. Curry that Peter wouldn't be attending the fieldtrip since he had something to do with the internship.

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