Agent (pt. 2)

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3rd Person POV

"Attention cadets! We have a fieldtrip to a top enforcement facility. I know you all xan fly planes by yourself so we will be flying there. So for the special occasion, you have today to get home and get the slip signed, before coming back here before 6 am sharp." The Sargent, Sgt. Steve Trevor said or ordered to the boys of the military school.

"Yes, Sgt. Trevor!"

"I can't here you?!"


The boys all shouted in sync.

The 'weak' boy, Peter Parker took his jet which he had named, The Spider, and flew to the helcarrier.

Before he landed, however, he quickly changed into his Blood Spyder armor and guided his plane to the secret landing zone.

When he stepped out, he was met with multiple guns pointed at him by a couple of agents who never had the privilege to work with the great spy-assassin.

"Who are you?!" One of them asked, still pointing his gun at the boy.

Peter took no notice of this and just walked to the entrance.

The agents started shooting at him but Peter just let it hit his armor, and dodged some for practice.

Karen was Peter's personal AI that he had developed at a young age, but later on, he gave it to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Karen registered her Boss in after he finished the biometric scan. "Blood Spider. Clearance level, 10."

The agents paled after they heard the clearance level. It was a known fact that Nick Fury had a level 10 clearance since he was the Big Boss. But they were just shooting someone with the same clearance rank meaning they were shooting their Boss!

To be honest, Peter didn't mind that the agents from earlier were shooting at him. He is barely registered in the database so it's no surprise that they didn't recognise him.

As he walked through the halls, people greeted him as he walk by.

He entered the residence part of the helcarrier and entered his room. He dropped his bag and took his helmet off, but not the body armor.

He was excited about the trip, he has to admit and he was looking for someone to sign the permission slip.

He found his mama spider and asked her to sign it. She used her made up name, 'Natalie Rushman' and handed it back to him, after kissing him on the forehead and hugged him tight.

The next day, Peter woke up at 4 am,did his morning workout and flew back to the military school with his normal cadet clothes.

"Attention cadets! Do 40 push ups and 30 jumping jacks before we continue!" Sgt. Trevor barked.

"Ho!" They all said and did the assignment in sync. Peter had to pretend to be weak, but in reality, he could do this all day.

They stood back up and straighten there back and did a salute to the Sargent.

"Alright, cadet. Return your permission slip. And we are going to S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. It stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. And it is a very secretive and dangerous place. We have the privilege to see it, so do not screw this opportunity up!" He gave Peter a pointed look. "Don't give us a bad name."

"Ho!" We said again.

"Alright, cadet. We are flying there with your own planes. It will also be a test. If you manage to fly there or not. If not, then 200 of whatever exercise you wish." He said with a stern but smug look.

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