Invasion (pt.2)

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3rd Person POV

You know how zombies would suddenly push their hands up through the soil? Well that's exactly what Peter did.

Yep. You read it right, folks. Peter is NOT dead. He is very much alive.

His suit has been torn right off but luckily his boxers were still on(🤪).

Some bystanders saw this and immediately called the ambulance.

Before he could lose his conscious, he told the doctor to not panic, and that he was Spiderman. The doctor took this news surprisingly well. Shocked? That would be an understatement but he did continue with his job, traumatize-less.

~13 Years Later~

"Hey, Hon. Do you think it's time to tell the Avengers that I'm still alive?" Peter asks his beautiful wife who was sitting next to him.

"Well if we are going to do this, we have to do this right!" She said and gave him a peck.

Then Peter went to the stairs and called for his son. "Junior! Come here for a second will ya? Bring your sister with you!"

Then the sounds of running footsteps came thundering down the stairs.

"Hey, Junior! Hey, Princess. Why don't you go talk to Mommy in the kitchen while Daddy talk to Junior here, kiddo?" Peter bent down and kissed the bridge of their nose.

The girl ran to her Mommy after giving her Daddy and tight hug.

When the two boys were left alone, Peter turns to his son and gave him a warm smile. "Do you want to meet the rest of the family, Kid?"

"Of course, Daddy!" The little boy said and beamed up at him.

"Okay, son. Then we have a plan to surprise them. The plan is to..." He trailed off, explaining the plan to his son with a mischievous grin.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Helcarrier

"Would someone like to explain to me who this new web-slinger is? He most certainly is not Parker. So, go out today and get that Spider to S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Nick Fury shouted to the Avengers around the A-shaped table.

"Calm your horses, Eye-Patch. We'll get that Spider today. He doesn't look too skilled anyway. Meet us at my Tower and we'll bring in the kid." Tony said with an uninterested look.

Later that night, the boy suited up and went to Patrol in New York. The Avengers were alerted of the Spider's presence. They quickly suited up and went to the boy's location.

The Spider stopped to eat some churros on a dark rooftop. The Avengers circled the boy, thinking that they had the element of surprise. But we all know that the Spider-sense is awesome.

"You, there! Boy, who are you?" Hawkeye asked with gritted teeth.

The boy in question turned around innocently. He suddenly pulls his mask off revealing teary brown eyes.

 He suddenly pulls his mask off revealing teary brown eyes

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